Is It Time To Flush Him

If you are running with a septic tank, flushing a DEAD fish will not effect the environment. Septics tanks are often started / seeded with a dead fox or other such animal to get the bacteria to a level that will process the waste. Does this sound familiar?? similar to a fish tank maybe??. If you are not on septic tanks I am not sure, obviously water treatment is going to help the water and many sanitary items are flushed and removed, whereas on land fill the body would just decay over time.
Just remember - if you bury a fish, bury it deep enough that wild animals can not dig it up and eat it. In addition to introducing parasites and diseases, many of the medications we use for fish have some pretty nasty stuff that could be harmful to small omnivores like skunks and raccoons. :good: I always spritz a little lemon juice on my dead fishies before filling in the dirt, because most meat-eating animals are dettered by strong, acidic, citric odors. Haven't had any attempts at digging up even since that, so it must do something.
Just remember - if you bury a fish, bury it deep enough that wild animals can not dig it up and eat it. In addition to introducing parasites and diseases, many of the medications we use for fish have some pretty nasty stuff that could be harmful to small omnivores like skunks and raccoons. I always spritz a little lemon juice on my dead fishies before filling in the dirt, because most meat-eating animals are dettered by strong, acidic, citric odors. Haven't had any attempts at digging up even since that, so it must do something.

This is also good advice if you have other domestic pets such as dogs that dig, mine would uncover a dead fish in no time!!

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