I have never seen a single lfs put up labels on how big their fish grow, and its not like you can type out fact sheets to give to all the people that can't be arsed to buy a book or go online to research their fish. A lfs that does this kind of stuff would be an awesome lfs, unfortunatly there are very few awesome lfs's out there.
But i'm willing to settle for a good or great lfs.
As to the original question;
I was just wondering if you guys think it's right for a small petstore to be selling 2 6" silver arowanas when nobody ordered them and a 8" florida gar?
I don't think it is since most people can't care for them properly what do you guys think?
Just because it is a small lps does not mean it should be confined to selling cheap common fish like the vast bulk of other lps's out there, i don't think the size of the shop should be an issue.
I also don't see a problem with a lps selling 2 relatively rare large growing fish without anyone specifically ordering them, the vast majority of the fish the lps sells will be unordered fish that it has just stocked itself- so taking this into consideration, i don't think there's anything wrong with it ordering an arowana and gar- the price tag should make anyone think twice about impulse buying them and shoving them in a 10gal.
The lfs also sells rather large tanks at decent prices, although florida gars and arowana's need at around 200gals(i think), at least it is making an effort to sell large tanks, and i'm sure if they can stock a 125gal, they can stock a 200gal if somone wanted one.
In the end you cannot force people to research their fish's needs, even if the lps stocked gigantic tanks, put labels on every fish tank with detailed info and gave out fish fact sheets to every customer and the staff were trained and experts on fish keeping and willing to help out any newb at any time of day etc, "pause", i am 100% sure there will still be plenty of morons who think they know best, or generally can't be arsed with looking after fish properly, that will still not take proper care of their fish.
Overall, although the lps doesn't sound amazingly desirable or anything, it sounds better than most i have seen so i would say overall i don't have a problem with it selling gars or arowanas- i think its fine