Is it really so bad to have a goldfish in a


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2004
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Is it really so bad to have a goldfish in a tropical tank? (It's my sister's and I can't get rid of it) It seems fine in 75+ degree water though so i think he can stay there. What can happen because of a little higher temperature?
they produce a LOT of waste, and at higher temps the metabolism gets higher and that makes the waste even worse. one gold fish will take up space that could be used by several tropicals
And they are far more prone to disease in the warmer water. Flush him to the sewer gods
Don't flush him unless he's dead. Flushing is just short of taking the poor thing and skinning it alive and dissecting it.

Give it away, sell it to an LFS or put it in another tank just don't flush it alive.
kell said:
if yow know any one with a pond give it to them that is what my mate did.

its better then the toilet :D
I had gold fish living in a tropical tank for a while. I think they were ok, but the memory is a little hazy now :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
depends on how big the tank is, how big the gold fish is, i had one i bought in from my little pond outside and he just grew and grew its true they are a dirty fish but like i said it depends on how big your tank is and how many fish you have in there hope this helps after all it is only my opinion :D
ouch flushing is a bit harsh. I would try your LFS they will probably take him. Tell them hes from tropical water so they don't drop him straight into a cold tank :crazy: ...
I think it can be ok but I don't think the tank you have the goldfish in is big enough to be honest. As said already, they create a lot of waste and also get vewry big. Added to that if it is a common, comet or shubunkin goldfish these need a lot of swimming room unlike the fancier varities.

I would give the goldfish away to someone with a pond. I don't think more common goldfish should be kept in tanks at all.
I kept 2 fancy goldfish for a couple years in my unheated 20 gallon tank which is naturally at warm tropical temperatures (78-82 or so depending on the season). They are poop machines. The nitrates in that tank were CRAZY, i could not keep them diluted to reasonable levels even with daily water changes. They seemed happy and normal, they were very friendly fish that ate out of my hand and tried to eat my arm anytime it was in the tank, like little fishy kisses awwww. Anyways, between the inadequate filtration, tank size, and high temperature, they eventually succumbed to dropsy and died. They only lived 2 or 3 years in my care, i was heartbroken. I had intended to buy them a larger tank but never came up with the space or the $$$. They can live for 15 to 20 years with proper care, i still feel very guilty about them. :-( I should have given them away when i realized i could not win the nitrate battle. I'm not getting goldfish again unless i can provide amazing filtration, 30 gallons per fish, and a chiller.

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