Is It Possible?

Sure the dimensions are 20" x 10" x 12"

It contains: 2 Male Spike-tail Paradise Fish, 3 Orange Platy's (1 male,2 female) and 1 Golden Mystery snail.

Decorations include: 2 Bridges, 1 cave, some plastic plants (will be removed when my live plants get bigger) and some Anacharis and 1 Amazon sword.

I would like to add one more male paradise fish for sure because it would even out the "chasing" Males do dispute but its only slight and never causes any damage. If i add 1 more then just like with Female Betta's, 1 cant be constantly "challenged". However i would like to add something as a centerpiece.
I know very little about Spike-tail Paradise Fish besides they are far more tropical than their common "cousin" species, I came across them for the first time at Amazon Aquatics in Warminster back in March, but I'd expect there to be a fight to the death at some point between those two males. Unless you know for sure via several sources that they are far more social, I would be looking to just keep a singleton in a 39l tank and even that sounds dodgy to me given their ~7cm adult size.
Ive been told by 6+ sources that Spiketails never have battles that cause damage and actually perfer to have company, the only reason mine had a dispute is cause i had my first one 1 week before i added the other, after the first challenge they dont even pay each other much attention really. Id like 1 more of those and something as a centerpiece.
I am going to go the simplest way that I know about. There is simply no such thing as too many water changes provided they are done properly with dechlorination and temperature matching. I even use 95%+ water changes any time I detect any water chemistry problem and the fish always look far better after such a change. End of post.
Okay, so im getting my API Testkit in about 2 more weeks, il wait until then to get any fish. So i want to add in 1 or 2 more Spiketail Paradise fish. That sound okay to all of you?

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