Is It Possible


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland

I am coming into a 4 foot glass fish tank but unfortunately have no room to put it in the house.

I was wondering if it's possible to keep coldwater fish in a glass tank outdoors, or would there be a problem of the water freezing because of the glass?

Cheers :thumbs:

As soon as the water froze it would crack the tank if above ground. Dont know about maybe sinking it but if theres a chance the whole lot will freeze then no dont put it outside.
It can be done but you will need to use a filter or pump to keep the suface of the water moving. I have done it with a six footer in the past which I was using for rosy shiners, If the water is still and it freezes it will crack the tank but if there is enough flow to keep the suface area moving it shouldnt freeze or if it does it shouldnt form a solid skin of ice which is what will push against the sides of the tank and crack it. You could allways consider using a pond heater as well.
Mate you live in Dublin, I live in Belfast, hope I dont get the winter you're expecting! :lol:

Why not drop a heater into it keep it set at 18-20'.
Wouldnt it cost though as it would be on day and night? It might fry the heater as well being permanently on.

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