You know, I think
@starzfish is making a good decision not going with the closed system concept. Some of you made some pretty good, practical arguments against it. But I have to say (speaking as a forum member, not as a moderator--nobody has broken any rules here) that I don't like the "Hey, someone's doing something different; let's immediately start questioning his/her motives and asking what's the point?" way of thinking. Implying that this person is lazy, doesn't care about fish, or is less of a fish keeper is, in my humble opinion, unkind and out of line. There are lots of different ways and lots of different reasons that people keep fish. Your way is not the only way.
I personally can see the appeal of a project like this, as ultimately impractical as it is. I find natural ecosystems fascinating, and that is part of what draws me to fish keeping. To my way of thinking, a closed-system aquarium would be the perfect aquarium, because it would require such perfect balance to achieve, every organism doing its part without me hovering in the wings playing god. It would require a balance so perfect, as some of you have pointed out, that it probably isn't possible to make such a system work, long-term. Still. It's a fascinating idea.
One of my current tanks is the closest I've ever gotten: A five gallon tank with lots of plants, green water (so it isn't very enjoyable to watch), scuds, seed shrimp, pond snails, water fleas, black worms, copepods, and a single blue rasbora who is only in there because I can't see well enough to catch him, but who looks extremely well-fed when I get a glimpse of him. I put in a pinch of food about once or twice a week to keep the black worms happy, but I don't think that's even necessary. Only other inputs are light, heat, a tiny sponge filter just to move the water around, and weekly 10% water changes. I'll probably tear it down soon if the green doesn't clear up, because it isn't much fun to look at...but the green water is, of course, keeping the water fleas and copepods happy, and those keep everybody else happy.
I for one appreciate the OP, both for taking good advice, and for thinking out of the box (or the fish food can) in the first place.