Is It Normal For Ot Catfish To Just Die


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2013
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i got 2 from the shop on sun and i find one today o be dead checked over his body and nothing out of the ordinary what could it be i thinks its the store itself i dont think they treat them well  
Full name= otocinclus catfish 
Oto's can be sensitive fish, often when they come into the Lfs they're starving.
They need a well matured tank with enough algae for them to eat at first & it can be difficult getting them to eat wafers or veggies to supplement them, once they get the idea they should be fine.
Lillefishy has some good points, oto do need an established tank.
Otos do starve if no algae available on glass or decor. Can be tricky to get them to eat.
First need to ask, sorry!
Is your tank cycled?
Water parameters?
Size of tank?
Other stocking in your tank?
Answering those might help to give clues as to why your oto died.
Sorry for your loss BTW.
Thanks guys but the tank is well established and there is loads of algae i bought 2 u see the other ones are fine water test is norm they are in there with  
Neons, Silver tips, Glass cats, harlequins,and corys  
ow yes tank is cycled and size is 125L
Sounds like you were unlucky & got weak ones, some just don't make it unfortunately
Does begin to sound like you were unfortunate with these otos or they did not take to the algae in your tank.

Shame really but these things do happen unfortunately :(
How did you acclimate them to your tank? As previously mentioned they are very sensitive fish. I find the best way to acclimate fish is with the drip method, it takes a little longer but is very gentle on the fish and I have never had a problem with fish being added that way!
It also seems as though you did not quarantine the new fish (I've been guilty of this as well), and they could have brought an infection with them. The stress of the transfer from the LFS to your tank could have been enough to knock this fish over the edge. You may want to keep an eye on any flashing behaviour in the next 4-6 weeks of any of your fish. This could be a sign that these fish brought ich into your tank.
Well to answer your question, no.

Any healthy animal for that matter don't just die with no apparent reason.
Another fish that should be quarantined, due to their collection from the wild and then starvation as they travel through the various levels of the aquatic trade, to end up in store tanks where fish are often underfed. Otos with sunken stomachs are a risky purchase, but at leasty in a QT, you can give them chance to get their first decent meals in weeks without being outcompeted by your hopefully far healthier fish in the community tank.

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