Is it normal for fish to have debris on them?

I do not see anything remotely resembling ich. The debris is particulate matter, just do regular (meaning the once a week normal) substantial water changes and vacuum into the open areas of the substrate. Keep the filter media well rinsed as that is where this will usually get caught, other than just settling on the substrate. Vacuum it off the larger leaves at the same time.

There is a habit among many aquarists of wanting to immediately do something, usually meaning adding some chemical concoction, if they even remotely think something is "different." I used to do the same, and killed more fish because of it. Fish need clean water; water changes will never hurt. Adding substances almost always will stress out fish, and no matter what the problem, if there is one, it will inevitably be worse. There is absolutely no reason to be adding salt here, or anything. Resist the temptation and the fish will be stronger and healthier. :fish:
Will do! I just did a big water change and a lot of debris came out of the gravel and from the water column, so far the tank has a lot less debris and I haven’t seen any on my fish so maybe it was just dirty, thanks a bunch!

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