Is It Normal For Angels To Eat Only Frozen Dried Bloodworms?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2012
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I bought 2 angels a few days ago and they are very picky eaters. They do not touch the flakes, i have 3 different varieties neither one gets touched, I have shrimp pellets which they tried to eat but as they are too big for them to swallow they do not come close to anymore. They will eat only my frozen dried bloodworms, literally just jump on them. Is it normal?
I had a big angel that loved flakes, I sadly gave up on him and got two young ones. They really don't enjoy the flakes much so am going to try and feed them bloodworms. So yea, It's normal. Fish are picky :p
Cichlids (including angels!) have a lot more personality and as a consequence can be a lot more tempermental!
All fish can take a week or two to settle in but with cichlids, they almost definately take that time to truely settle in.
Unless they are wasting away, dont worry about them not eating! Give them a couple of weeks, dont have bright lights on too long, plenty of hiding places and most of all, leave them be and dont stress them out :) that includes sitting staring at them for ages :p
With the dried bloodworms, i would only offer it maybe twice a week, if they are full of 'treats' then why would they want to ea boring ole flakes!? :p offer them a few flakes each day (take out what they dont eat) and offer them bloodworms on other days (dont reward them for not eating flakes!

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