Is It Just Me?


Oct 12, 2009
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or is this site addicting to everyone? i find myself on here several times a day!
awesome. there are other addicts out there. i thought it was just me! im always reading the new content and starting topics. im such a nerd!
I love it because there are so many other crazy fish peoe to talk to on here. I have no one to talk to about my fish so I have to come here. I'm on way too much.
Yeah im pretty bad for coming on at all hours of the day. I even get on it via my laptop at uni now...
i know. i catch myself at work getting on via the net on my phone. and i also have no one to talk to about my fish. everyone thinks im weird bc i go through every emotion with my fish! lol.
lol i can completely realate to everyone on here! just now spent about 1hour and keep finding myself navigating to TFF when im on the computer! :lol: so addictive. relieved that it wasnt just me.
LOLS. Seems like I'm not the only one, thens!! :lol:

I am *so* glad for this forum; simply because my family is sick of all my talk about fishes, and.... Well, my classmates always laugh at me when I stare into the fish tank at school / talk about them. XD

We were once doing some discussion about leaking things, and I went like, "Oh, yeah; and it's *really* fun when your fish tank gets a leak in it, and the water goes *all* over the floor and wrecks the hardwood;" and *they* just started laughing all weirdly. D:

How thankful I am for TFF!!!! ^^; >8D
yep. i haven't worked out why yet. i sit at the computer after checkin emails etc and then think 'what now' and type away '' !
i dont use the site anywhere near half as much as i did, but when i first started fishkeeping i was greedy for info and would spend hours on here.. but yes you`re right it it- could have a right laugh too..whats the harm, its friendly ,clean and well moderated and of course its all knowledge under your belt!
im on hiere for quite a bit each day, i often go on it during math class when im on the computer...

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