Is It Just Me Or Do These Tanks Multiply?

Fishkeeping is not so much an expensive hobby (although it cetainly can be) but more of an expansive one. Everything you do just gets bigger and bigger. I started with a goldfish in a 5 gal tank (it was filtered at least). Set up my 20 gal tropical community. Upgraded the goldfish to a nice 10 gal aqua one 320 cube. The cory's started breeding so to save the fry I now have the 5 gal from the goldfish with about 50 of the little blighters growing on till they are big enough to sell on. I have alreay selected the four that are to be returned to the community tank. I am contemplating another aqua one 320, probably for the cory's to start with, or perhaps a planted nano. I also have plans to upgrade the 20 gal trop tank in the future, and you know the one they're in at the moment isn't going to sit in the loft for long. A marine nano is calling too.

MTS is dangerous and all fishkeeping equipment and literature should have a health warning attached to it!
Well mine have accumulated too! My husband bought me a Betta and a 'Betta Bowl" for my birthday. I was really unimpressed with the "Betta Bowl" it only held about a litre of water, it was just too small, so I went and bought a bigger "Bowl" around 3 litres, but it was round and I couldn't see him properly. Then went to the LFS they had 10 lt tanks with a heater and filter etc for AU$40, so we bought one of them and a couple of other fish. Didn't know about cycling then so everyone, including my beautiful birthday Betta died :( Found this web site, started learning about fish, found a 90lt tank with everything on eBay for $150, bought it, travel about 1,000kms to get it set it up added fish magic, new hobby oh-oh new obsession! Fixed up the 10lt, got a new Betta - Lawrence. Now we're looking for a tank of around 6ft to use as a room divider between the lounge and the walkway. Have done some measuring up and can fit a 50lt out in the kids play area! My Husband thinks I'm insane, with my fish obsession. Cause now I'm looking at getting a couple more 10lt tanks, which will fit nicely on the kitchen bench, so that I can get a couple more Bettas!

Yep, they multiply and are a huge timewaster! LoL I spend hours watching my fish swimming around.

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