GN's look nice as do all plecs but they are far too messy for my liking 
i personally think they suck ???
didnt slag thm off jst
i personally think you suck.
is that not slagging off?
no need for that mike theres no need to be an imature prick is there? i was just asking thats my opinion that all u cant make an opinion of me as u dont no me sort ureself out
no need for that mike theres no need to be an imature prick is there? i was just asking thats my opinion that all u cant make an opinion of me as u dont no me sort ureself out
between you and a gold nugget, I'll take the nugget everytime.
I wasn't being ''an imMature prick'', i have no opinion of you either way (you're horrendous spelling aside) was just highlighting your hypocrisy.