Is it healthy for aquarium fish to eat bugs???

i saw a spider fall into my tank and my knife fish who was very hungry came out and bit it but the silk squirted everywhere and he spit it out
I have lizzard so i feed them crickets and if i find a small one ill give it to my fish and my Black skirts and gouramis and seem to like they like them :kana:
I fed my zebra danios black ants (past tense because I don't have them any more) and I also fed them chopped up earth worms -tetras liked them too (in the same tank). The danios ate the ants ok but would rather play with them by pushing them around the serface of the tank.
Fish Buddy said:
I fed my zebra danios black ants (past tense because I don't have them any more) and I also fed them chopped up earth worms -tetras liked them too (in the same tank). The danios ate the ants ok but would rather play with them by pushing them around the serface of the tank.
:sick: never had it in me to chop earthworms up , but I'd sit and watch my figure 8 and stanley pool puffers [ thank you SirMinion]chew the livin begeezez out of them , while my Jewel cichlids had tugs -o-war over them , but no I couldn't chop um :sick: .
hahahaha... my computer is in front of my 20g tank and I heard some fish gulping noise. I turned around to investigate and found them tring to gulp a house fly. Silly angel fish... :fun:

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