Is It Difficult To Keep Plants Alive In A 10 Gallon?

I think 6-8 hours is about right but others with more plant experience might have a better answer :)
I'll adjust my timer to 10 hours then

How about air bubbles for plants, how long?
Taff7996 said:
I'll adjust my timer to 10 hours then

How about air bubbles for plants, how long?
you don't need oxygen for them, you need co2 which is a must for a planted tank
Plants need carbon to grow. In the air, plants, trees etc get it from the CO2 in the atmosphere. In the water, they need to get it from CO2 in the water. However, CO2 is not very soluble in water so the supply is very limited unless you artificially increase the availability. CO2 injection is the way to go, however when starting out it's far better to begin with a glutaraldehyde like Flourish Excel which will provide some liquid carbon for your plants.
You also need to supply some trace minerals in the water as well as fertiliser - only a little bit :) I used Flourish Excel Trace and any proprietary general aquarium fertiliser, at the recommended dose level.
About 6 or 7 hours light does a good job too.
DerpPH said:
you don't need oxygen for them, you need co2 which is a must for a planted tank
Strictly speaking, not all planted tanks NEED co2. 
Although Co2 does benefits ALL plants.
This is a low tech planted setup, so therefore low tech is just that, low tech with no Co2.
Adding Co2 will make the tank high tech really since then may as well add high tech lights then EI ferts etc etc....
However, I will add that adding fertiliser, even just basic ferts will be of more benefit to the plants and easier for the op than setting up co2 in a low tech setup like this.

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