Is it cycled??


Fish Herder
May 7, 2004
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I set up a new tank the other day, and used filter media, some gravel, and a bit of water from my old tank. I put 4 zebra danios in, and yesterday ammonia was at .1, nitrIte at .1 and nitrate around 25. Today, I have 0 ammonia, o nitrite, and around 25 nitrate. By my reckoning, that's cycled, am i right?
Could be cycled. I'd give it a few more days, then check water parameters again.

What size is the tank?
Formally speaking, it sounds like the tank has been cycled, but I'm curious about a couple of things: how long ago did you start the process, and have you been checking parameters throughout?
I started on Wednesday, but like I said, I had a filter running on my old tank that had been running for 6 months or so, I transferred the media from there into the filter on the new tank, and used some gravel and water from the old tank so really I created a clone of my old tank! I wasn't expecting it to take long. Ammonia and nitrite have barely shown up on all the tests I have done since wednesday, and now they read 0.

BTW....if your royal plec should happen to disappear through the wasn't me!!

"Did I say that out loud?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you can see another nice pic of him here along with some of my other fish!!!
:eek: Can't believe you'd suggest I'd do such a thing!!!! I just wanted you to see the picture of the fish you love so much!!! :lol: :lol:
He is great though, and getting a little bigger each day now!

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