Hi. I have my betta in a 2 gal tank.. without a heater but my tank keeps warm temp so I havent really needed it. I cleaned my bettas tank tuesday. He has been laying at the bottom since. I tried to feed him that night and he came to the top but didnt eat any of his food. He is still laying at the bottom with his front body in the rocks that I have. I have to tap the tank to get him to move. When he does he moves around really fast.. like darting around the tank then goes back to the bottom. He is swiming on his side a little I think. I found him head first in the plant with his body up.. kind of like if u did a head stand. He moved but moves fast almost looks like a seziure. . I put some betta remedy in his tank and he kind of pirked up a bit now hes at the bottom again.. any ideas???