is he blind?


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
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Houston, Tx.
I just cant figure out what's wrong with Rye. I did a 100% water change today like I usually do. I put dechlor and blackwater in the water and it was the same temperature as before. One thing that was different was that I didn't let him get use to the water because I had to leave and I definately didn't want to leave him in a small bowl. So I went ahead and tried to carefully put him in the water but he didn't want to go. Eventually he slipped out of the bowl into the 10 gallon. I had also scrubbed the sides of the tank but it was with a new sponge so I know there was nothing on it. The buckets I use are only used for water changes. This is also the first day that I've used the blackwater.
Now he seems like he's blind. He wont eat unless I practically drop the pellet on his head. The weird thing is that I gave him a pea when he was in the bowl and he ate that. He saw it too and now it seems like he can't see. He bumps into the things in his tank at times but not as often because he kind of should know where the things are since I didn't change anything in the tank. I put a mirror on the side of the tank and he wont even notice it :( unlike other times that I've done that. He wont follow my finger either.
The thing I don't have is a test kit but I'm sure the stats are fine since I did the 100% water change. Other than thinking he's blind, he's fine. Not swimming funny or anything.
I just have a bad feeling that he's going to die on me. :-(
That's weird. Grab a flashlight and shine them into his eyes, directly. Does he react at all to the light? He might, he might not. That's no sure sign of anything right there, but it gets you into position to look into his eyes. Do they look normal? Undamaged? Are they cloudy at all? Are the pupils black, or are they red or blue?
I can't seem to find a flashlight. I went to turn on the light in the room and he was just on the bottom of the tank. He didn't even move as I moved closer. Tried the mirror again and nothing. I tapped inside the tank a little and he started swimming around :/ He's not paying attention to anything. I looked at his eye and it has a black pupil but around the pupil on the top is red...and the bottom is white a little. I'll try to take a picture...or I can try to draw it on paint to show you how it is
The other coloring on his eye is just his equivalent of the iris...and is subject to any color genetically determined. It was the pupil I was worried about.


This image, stolen from BettaMomma (because I know she won't mind!), is of Louis, who is quite blind. Notice the color of his pupils. That's what I wanted you to check for.

If you can find a flashlight to shine in his eyes, please do. Look for any discoloration or cloudiness...anything odd at all. Also, do his eyes bulge somewhat from his head?
This is how the eyes look.

and after looking at other pictures I figured they look normal. That is of course, without the flashlight. I'll keep looking for it tho...
They do look normal to me, too.

Which is very good news. It means he doesn't have popeye, and he doesn't have the same problem BettaMomma's Louis has. There may be hope for him yet.

You may have to just wait him out if you can't get any other help with this. I honestly can't imagine what could be his problem if his eyes look quite normal.
Well, since I couldn't find a flashlight I shined the light of my camcord and they look normal -_-
Should I wait till tomorrow and do a water change?

Edit: Actually, I think he's just ignoring me. He was darting around the front of his tank and I put a red truck in the middle (not inside of course) and he stopped to look at it. Although it still doesn't explain him bumping into things and not paying attention to the mirror or my finger :unsure: . But I know what can explain him not eating. Like I said, I gave him a pea when he was in the bowl so he was probably not hungry.
That makes a great deal of sense.

Him bumping into things could just be him not paying attention, or him being scared and not looking where he's going, especially if he's reacting to things now. The mirror thing...well, not all of them flare at mirrors after water changes, since they're generally a somewhat stressful event for most Bettas, and it takes them a little while to get back settled in their home.
Do you have the room he's in completely dark at times?
I thought my Jack had gone completely blind at one point because I switched on his light and he just swam around blindly bumping into everything. This went on for probably a good 15 minutes, then he kind of came around - I guess it was just his eyes getting used to the light.
Is that a possibility?

And I don't mind at all that you posted Louis' picture. :wub:
I had the light on the whole time after the water change. Then only time he was in the dark was when I had him in the bowl. I had put a towel over it because he was extremely stressed. I checked him after like 6-8 hours later and that's how he was. Maybe I did shock him though. He seems fine now. He ate when I gave him but he didn't eat when my brother fed him. He ended up taking the pellets out because he wasn't even paying attention to them. I put two in and he ate them. I put a cucumber in there and he's not paying attention to it. I guess the only green food he likes are peas. He did flare at the mirror when I put it next to the tank though so I'm sure he's fine now.
Thanks for the help though :)

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