Is gravel ok for corys ?

Rob 28

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
OK, I've just gone out and bought 3 ancistrus (bushy nose catfish) and 4 corydoras julii.

Read that corys like sand substrate. I have standard aquarium gravel though it is not paricularly sharp.

Will this be a problem and should i get some sand and put it in one corner of the tank ?
I have three skunk cory's with gravel. They don't seem to mind. Just make sure you vacummn it regularly. If you want to get a saucer and fill it with sand you can make a cory sand box. :D
The cories will be ok with the gravel. Placing sand in the tank isn't a bad idea, and they will appreciate it, but it's not a must. Just remember that the sand will raise the pH of your tank though.
I have never kept cories with sand, and for the longest time they had regular tank gravel. Now they still have gravel, but it's finer and smaller. I have never had a problem with them.

Very cute idea, Nina :lol:
I used to have gravel with my cories and they survived just fine. Although when I did switch to sand, boy did they sure become a lot more active.
Mine seem fine with gravel. The only problem is that the tablets I give them get stuck under the gravel before the fish can get at them. Otherwise there isn't really a problem with it.
I switched from gravel to sand in my cory tank, and they really seemed to appreciate it. They become more active and seemed to enjoy sort through the sand.

If you use something like playsand or pool filter sand, it will not affect your pH. :thumbs:
Is it okay for corys to live in gravel, plastic plants and like flagstone rock in there or is it to rough for them?

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