Firstly. Sorry Chewy for Hi-Jacking your post, but this is the only way i could get my tank pic displayed as i am unable to start a new post in this forum for some reason.
Cheers i owe you one.
Anyway, here is a pic of my first ever tank. All the fish, decor and ideas have come from kind advice from these boards. it is still a young aquarium at 3 months, but i have learnt from my mistakes and tank 2 is coming soon. Its nothing special, but its all down to you lot. Thanks a lot for getting me on my way.
It's ok c1tyfc, sometimes there are glitches in the forums, it happens...
Thats a nice tank you have there, very special gravel.....what fishes do you have in there? (besides those i can see..duh! )
When i bought the tank i had a bit of outside influence(the wife) Hence the bright blue/green/white gravel and the bloody big castle thingy in the middle. The next tank will have natural gravel and rocks/plants etc.
Also i have a algae problem at minute (see back of glass) but i dont want to remove too much of it if i can avoid it.
I paid a small fortune for my camera, it takes outstanding pictures of everything except fish tanks for some reason. If i use the flash the pictures are dark like the one above and if I turn flash off the pictures are too bright. Hope i get a nice pic one day cos the tank looks hell of a lot better than the picture shows.
Anyway thanks everyone again and i hope my next tank will be better, i'm learning.
p.s. i've had no deaths or illnesses so i must be doing summat right yeah???