Is Fish-keeping Cruelty To Fishes?


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Sep 17, 2006
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I am totally confused!!!!! I like to keep fishes but my nature enthusiast friends tell me that it is cruelty to the fishes. I explain as long as you keep limited small fishes in a 10 to 15 gallons tank (naturally the bigger the better) and care for them, well it's okay. But they say, the sea, river and ponds are where they are supposed to be. The aquarium is too small for them. I am thoroughly confused!!!!!!! What do you all feel????
If you have fish that exhibit natural behavior, then they are probably very healthy and your tank is ideal for them.
It's a matter of personal beliefs.

Do your friends keep animals? If so, any animal you keep, *ANY* animal, is being taken away from their natural environment, and therefore taken away from "ideal" conditions--meaning if you answered yes to that question, they have no reason to make such hypocritical remarks.

Certain fish, i.e. schooling fish, prefer being in large groups, so they are better off being out in the wild in such numbers. Other than that and a couple other examples that don't immediately come to mind, with enough room and good water quality, they can expect longer lives in a tank.

Also, how long do you think a gourami or koi would live out in the wild? Probably nowhere near the 25 and 50, respectively, years that they have been kept by some aquarists.
I don't see it as cruel as long as your tank isn't overstocked, they're well fed and taken care of and they don't have to live in a tank with neon everything :D

Do your friends also think that dogs an cats shouldn't be kept as pets also?
Cats and dogs have been mentioned already- what about children? Surely it is cruelty to keep humans away from our natural savannah (or wherever latest palaeontology says we evolved) and stick them in a small room and make them do sums? But then again, most of us have a faint inkling that this loss is offset by advantages- like longer lifespan, more food, less physical suffering. I think in the case of well kept fish, the same thing could be argued.
My family seem to have similar feelings to your friends, but are too polite to voice them. What won them over, was when I pointed out that several tropical fish species are threatened or extinct in the wild due to pollution (not to collection by aquarists!), and that hobbyists have a part to play in preservation. I am planning to put my increased fish knowledge to some good use by eventually keeping threatened species. But I obviously want to do my learning on some unthreatened species first.
I take it your friends are also vegans? Otherwise theres more arguments that could be raised against what's cruel. Many fish kept as pets nowadays are tank-bred and have never lived in the wild, theres also the matter of hybrid fish which wouldnt exist in the wild! Its a matter of personal opinion, i wouldnt let it phase you too much, theres gotta be so many things you could do that are crueler than looking after fish!
Well I personally think not. We are giving them a longer life, better food. They will have no predators etc. But once again it all depends on the people/persons that look after the fish. If they are good keepers of the fish (animals) then yes.
But sometimes people are cruel... So if you are not going to look after them, then yes it is cruel... (i.e. regular maintenance ---> water changes, feeding various foods, trying not to overstock, etc) but if you do look after them, then I say no, it's not cruel...
I am totally confused!!!!! I like to keep fishes but my nature enthusiast friends tell me that it is cruelty to the fishes. I explain as long as you keep limited small fishes in a 10 to 15 gallons tank (naturally the bigger the better) and care for them, well it's okay. But they say, the sea, river and ponds are where they are supposed to be. The aquarium is too small for them. I am thoroughly confused!!!!!!! What do you all feel????
providing you look after them well, i cant say its cruel. though if it right to keep animals/fish, is another matter. if you see how we treat other humanbeings, Cosova, Draphor, Lebanon, any possible cruelty to captive fish, seems to pale.
In the end, it all comes down to you, and what you personally believe. I feel that if you strive to give your fish fantastic conditions and a healthy home, then you are doing a great job and your fish are lucky little guys. If you do your research and can give the fish what they need, I personally feel that is ok to then keep them. The debate on what IS and what ISN'T cruel is a long ongoing debate, it all boils down to what you feel. Your friends opinions are great, but... in the end they are just that. Opinions of someone else. What is your OWN opinion?
Tell your friend he needs to move out of his house because he isn't in a natural surrounding... and he can't wear clothes nor buy food, that just isn't natural...

If you properly take care of the fish they are better off in a tank, no predators!
Keeping any animal no matter what it is, contained is against nature itself. If your friend has something wrong with it, they're obviously very selfish and don't seem to understand things very well. I'm highly an animal conservationist myself, but I don't feel that fishkeeping is HORRIBLE,etc. The only problemis overfishing, etc. and issues like that (you know what I mean). So many people are going around and preaching about how keeping a fish is bad, but they need to think things through for a second and look over at they're dog..think people..think.

If they bring it up again, ignore them. If tehy're your friend, they'll drop it.
...I pointed out that several tropical fish species are threatened or extinct in the wild due to pollution (not to collection by aquarists!), and that hobbyists have a part to play in preservation...

this is very true. if it wasn't fopr people the white cloud mountain minnow would be extinct completely. they only exist in home aquaria and NONE exist in nature any more.

thsi is also true to some of the goodeid species. some have become extinct due to pollution, and well some are endangered to the point that humans have created programs to try to breed these in captivity, clean up their environment and reintroduce them.

do these things "interfere" with the natural course of nature? sure it does but that is a different debate. we are doing it for the good of the species not bad, it was man who put them in that possition, not the fish themselves, they jsut lived their lives liek normal and man ruined their natural environment.

like said before, taking anything out of it's natural environment is creul. where do you suppose serian hampsters come form originally? they are the ones that are commonly sold in petshops as shorthair and teddybear hampsters along with jsut the title "hampster". i could put money on that naturally they aren't from someone's house living in a cage.

liek said taking anything from it's natural environment is cruel. domestication could be considered cruel. you as a human even make your choice... work all day doing what someone told you to do, or sit around all day lounging in a feild or basking in the sun? i bet the animals would do what we would prefer to do, but liek us they can't.

also mentioned was lack of predation (in most cases), longer lives and generally healthier fish in home aquaria. also, hybrids don't occur in nature and some peopel love them. i myself own a couple. in nature most fish don't live past being born (if born at all). and it is a known fact also that most fish aren't even from thewild. most have only known a fishtank. their whole lives they have been bred and raised in a tank. so it would then be cruel to jsut dump them in a river don't you think? i think it's crueler to dump fish that for generations have been bred to not knwo the rivers they naturally come from and put it into that location than to take them out of it (even though i am all for reintroducing endangered or extinct species back into the wild- but that is completely different).

it's all a matter of choice, i feel as long as they aren't living in worse conditions than they would in nature (which in some cases it's pretty bad in nature), then i feel that by all means keep the fish. you are probably doing them a better justice by keeping them then letting them roam free in the oceans and rivers and lakes.

wow that was long, i hope everyone reads it, but i said my peice amnd i feel better. you have nothing to worry about. if you enjoy keeping fish by all means keep them. there is nothing wrong with it.
I am totally confused!!!!! I like to keep fishes but my nature enthusiast friends tell me that it is cruelty to the fishes. I explain as long as you keep limited small fishes in a 10 to 15 gallons tank (naturally the bigger the better) and care for them, well it's okay. But they say, the sea, river and ponds are where they are supposed to be. The aquarium is too small for them. I am thoroughly confused!!!!!!! What do you all feel????

Do you actually care what they think? sounds like your friends are all off their heads probably on some kind of glue substance and the type of people that chain themselves to rotten trees. Tell them to jog on and get some new friends, preferably the type that like to sit down the pub and go for a kebab at closing time.
I am totally confused!!!!! I like to keep fishes but my nature enthusiast friends tell me that it is cruelty to the fishes. I explain as long as you keep limited small fishes in a 10 to 15 gallons tank (naturally the bigger the better) and care for them, well it's okay. But they say, the sea, river and ponds are where they are supposed to be. The aquarium is too small for them. I am thoroughly confused!!!!!!! What do you all feel????

Do you actually care what they think? sounds like your friends are all off their heads probably on some kind of glue substance and the type of people that chain themselves to rotten trees. Tell them to jog on and get some new friends, preferably the type that like to sit down the pub and go for a kebab at closing time.


don't worry too much about it. really, anything short of sitting very still in a corner with all the electricity off and no clothes on can be interpreted as "cruelty" to something. if your fish die of neglect or abuse, then yes it's cruel. but if they live 15 years, grow huge, and make lots of babies--its probably not so bad.
That is a great many more replies than I had expected. I assure all buddies who replied that your efforts won't go to waste. I am asking all my friends to read them. Yes, I tend to agree that if one takes care of the fishes, then it seems alright.

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