Is Coral Happy


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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i bought my first polyp and leather coral yesterday. i put it in tank and after about an hour the leather extended its polys but today it has opened up ok but extended no polyps out. The polyp coral has opened up fine but not the leather is this normal
Type of leather?
Water parameters and s.g.?

not sure what called but like fingers on it. s.g 1.024 temp 25. nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrates 20, calcium 400, kh 9, phosphates 0.07, ph 8.1.
Your nitrates and phosphate are too high....what kind of water are you using? Are you overfeeding? Doing enough water changes? I'd do a water change now if I were you. SH
Your nitrates and phosphate are too high....what kind of water are you using? Are you overfeeding? Doing enough water changes? I'd do a water change now if I were you. SH
ro water. not over feeding water change 20-25% every two weeks
If I were you I would set up a fuge right this instant and keep some cheato in it to soak up the nitrates, and possibly use some phosphate absorber aswell.

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