Is Betta Ok with Gourami?


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
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Illinois, USA
I think Bettas are one of the fanciest, prettiest fish and I was wondering since they are so similar to Gouramis if putting them together would pose a problem. I have 2 Neon Blue Dwarf Gouramis. Let me know what you think... Thanks
Bettas and gouramis regard each other as competition and are not suitable tank mates. So, get a gourami or a betta.

If you still feel the need to get a betta, get him a small self-contained tank.
I have had good experiences and bad experiences with that combo. I have a 20 gal. long community tank with 2 gouramis & a betta, and they all do fine. I am starting a 10 gal. at work, and put a gourami in with my betta, and found betta fin on the bottom of the tank. You are probably better off not to mix the two. I did out of ignorance. You can never predict personalities.
I have a neon blue dwarf gourami with my betta and they do perfectly fine together!! Never had a fight with those two.
It seems from all the different responses I get that it's kinda a gamble either way. I don't know if I want to risk it then. I made the mistake of a beta with fan tailed guppies before and the guppies had no tails in like a week, and even though betas are pretty I think I like my blue dwarfs better.
zantetsuken said:
It seems from all the different responses I get that it's kinda a gamble either way. I don't know if I want to risk it then. I made the mistake of a beta with fan tailed guppies before and the guppies had no tails in like a week, and even though betas are pretty I think I like my blue dwarfs better.
Bettas all vary so much in personality that its virtually impossible to be certain. Whenever you want to keep a betta with something else, have a small, cycled tank on stand-by, just in case.

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