Yes!! It's even worse when I'm deciding on plants...oohhh so many choices so little time.
I have a pair of neon dwarf gouramis that might be breeding someday--our male is still getting a hang of building his bubble nest. The females are hard to find, and we got ours just by sheer luck. We weren't even looking for them. Some of the online places do stock them from time to time.
I've had neon dwarf gouramis off and on for the past few years (had to put them up for adoption each time we move) and in my experience they have always been skittish and shy around other fish. Of course, that's just a personal experience. I had a pearl gourami back when we live in Seattle and ohhh he was gorgeous. He wasn't aggressive, not even toward another male.
Hey, have you checked out Endler's? That's my dream...a beautiful planted tank full of them.