So i ~thought~ i had decided what i was going to do when it comes time to restock my tank but i have come to the conclusion that i in fact have not! Please bury me in suggestions!
The tank is a (currently fishless) 20 gallon long, low light, planted tank. I uprooted all the plants (anubias barteri (sp?) and nana, several crypt species, java fern, and what was sold to me as red melon sword, not positive on the ID) and rearranged them a few days ago, so i'm going to give them a couple weeks to get re-established. I plan to add a few more pieces of wood and more crypts before i start a fishless cycle. (By the way, root growth in pure flourite is ~amazing~!) The tank is filtered by a new Eheim ECCO 2232 canister with sponge and substrat pro, so it should be up to just about anything that could live happily in such a small tank. My tap water is fairly hard, so anything would have to be able to adjust to that, 'cause i'm not modding my water.
I'm leaning towards a large shoal of small fish, with perhaps a larger showcase fish or pair? I was going to get some cories but decided not to because of the pure flourite substrate that i don't want to change, so maybe some shrimp? I've never had those, dunno if that's reasonable or not...
The tank is a (currently fishless) 20 gallon long, low light, planted tank. I uprooted all the plants (anubias barteri (sp?) and nana, several crypt species, java fern, and what was sold to me as red melon sword, not positive on the ID) and rearranged them a few days ago, so i'm going to give them a couple weeks to get re-established. I plan to add a few more pieces of wood and more crypts before i start a fishless cycle. (By the way, root growth in pure flourite is ~amazing~!) The tank is filtered by a new Eheim ECCO 2232 canister with sponge and substrat pro, so it should be up to just about anything that could live happily in such a small tank. My tap water is fairly hard, so anything would have to be able to adjust to that, 'cause i'm not modding my water.
I'm leaning towards a large shoal of small fish, with perhaps a larger showcase fish or pair? I was going to get some cories but decided not to because of the pure flourite substrate that i don't want to change, so maybe some shrimp? I've never had those, dunno if that's reasonable or not...