Is Anyone Breeding Albino Sterbai Successfully?


Fish Addict
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
seattle WA USA
I am wondering if any of you breeding ALBINO Sterbai successfully.
Also if you had any trouble, acclimate them to the new home after the long trip. I would be appreciate if anyone can share the experience with me since I have this crazy itch that I would like to obtain some ALBINO Sterbai and breed them. Since I had been getting and raising regular Sterbai frys ok.

I know some person is selling them but unfortunately it is not close from me. And I have not see them locally. And I never had any good experience of getting fish in the mail.
Since nobody yet to speak of breeding Albino Sterbai successfully.

How about keeping them successfully? And I also would like to hear how did you obtained them(LFS, mail order.,etc) and what is the survival rate. I know they are more fragile than regular kind and I am not sure how they do in the shipping. Since I do not see them ever at my local store.

I would be greatful if anyone can share the experience. Thanks in advance.

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