My aquarium is heavily planted. I run my lights 12 hours a day (4.6WPG). I have a marine glo bulb and an extra 24" light fixrture which fits on top of my canopy kicken around. I originally tried adding 2x power glo on top of my new DIY canopy for the light period, but found you couldn't even tell the power-glo's were on. I instaed decided to try having a single Hagen Marine Glo bulb for a nice night-light on the aquarium. It looks good when used on it's own, but I want to make sure tah this spctrum of light isn't going to interfere with the dark period. I'm hoping this light will be suitable to see my upside down catfish come to life. Any help is appreciated!
A pic of my Rams...
A pic of my Rams...