is a 10 gallon good?


New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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Anderson . MO
:/ hi i am new but not os new to fish careing , but i am new to breeding , well i bought 2 mollies a pregnant daltamtion mollie and a buatiful male dalmtation and my femal is about to have her fry any day now and i have bought me a net breeder and i have a10 gallon tank that is what the 2 mollies are in the 2 molleis are the onyl fihs i have in there as well , but anways is my tank big enogh? for when she has the babys , when she has them im gonan get as many as i cant net up and put them in my breeder but ... i am onyl ognan keep maybe 2 or 3 fry and give the otehrs to freinds and family , but if my tank big enogh ? for these 2 mollies and how ever many fry she will have? i would really appreicate any info u guys can give me. :D
Hi Freak4mollyz,

Yes I think you should be fine with a 10 gallon for your mollies and her fry! Congrats too!

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