Invisible fish net???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
What makes them not able to see it..?
It still has a frame. Surely they sense the motion and scatter either way. 🤔
I think they are probably playing on this...
"Water completely absorbs (or attenuates) different colors of light at different depths, affecting which colors are visible to a fish. Water attenuates red light from the spectrum first"

however I doubt aquariums are deep enough to absorb that light color, especially with the normal aquarium lights on, but I really have no idea...
They aren't invisible. Red nets have been around for years and fish can see them just as easily as a black, white, blue or green net.
With the depths of our tanks, this red net will still be visible to them. So, if you'd buy it for the invisible reason, it's wasted money...
And btw, it also depends on what kind of fish we are talking about for there are fish that do see colors by all means.
I won an invisible red net in a raffle. It's a decent net, but whether they see it or feel it (the lateral line) they avoid it as with any other net.
I won an invisible red net in a raffle. It's a decent net, but whether they see it or feel it (the lateral line) they avoid it as with any other net.
Like I've said: It's wasted money... But I do bet that a lot of people would get it. It's just how you market a product to convince people to buy it. People don't want to be fooled but if the marketing is right, I can promise you that people want to be fooled and they'll buy it...
I would say the fish would be able to see it, we did a research project with hatchery lake trout during my training where we looked at the response trout had to various colors, primarily to determine what colors to use with the enclosures, but we also looked at what colors the lure's should be if we wanted the best fishing results. Red was overall the best color to use for triggering a bite response from the fish. Obviously this is not necessarily applicable to all fish species, but it does call into question how would a red net be more effective in preventing the fish from fleeing. There is little loss of red in the depths most of our fish live at but they might still have reduced sensitivity to the red spectrum, due to evolutionary means. It might also be that the nets are more effective because they trigger an aggression response rather than a fleeing response.

Overall I would try one if they did not cost more than the normal colors, but I doubt there would be any reasonable chance they would perform better than other colors, fish are pretty aware creatures.
So many things in our hobby show the nature of this unregulated market. Food claims don't have to be verified. Remedies that do nothing are sold as if they can save lives. Untested gimmicks come and go. And if the red net doesn't work, who is going to sue the marketer for misleading buyers?

Even if it were invisible, fish have senses we don't and the moment that net moved, it would be "seen".

If you could have copies of aquarium warehouse store ads going back to the 1980s and work through them, you'd laugh a lot. The gimmicks and remedies that have had their three year fame before being discarded is a very long list indeed. At least this net is a net, and works as well as any other net...
I won an invisible red net in a raffle. It's a decent net, but whether they see it or feel it (the lateral line) they avoid it as with any other net.
I won an invisible net in a raffle too, at least that's what they said I won. but I can't find it, seems to be invisible. dum dum darrrrr.

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