
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Jun 22, 2021
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United States
Hey Everyone,

I just recently entered the world of aquariums back in November of 2020. Started with a 30 gallon cube that was gifted to me with plastic plants and rainbow substrate. What started as something for the kids quickly turned into my own hobby as I started swapping out he plastic plants for real ones. My fish list is a little unconventional as I was learning as I went along. Everyone seems to get along now despite the incompatibility and some learning curves (such as tiger barbs play nicer with other fish when there is a bigger group than just 2).

I am now running a 75 gallon with the following fish:

11 Neon tetras
8 tiger barbs
2 female kribs
1 rainbow shark
3 cory catfish
5 mollies
3 goldfish

Hoping to learn more about the hobby and different fish for future re-stock ideas.
Hello and welcome to the forum 👋 !
That's quite a mix of fish you have there, especially goldfish too! Were they what the kids started with and then you 'inherited ' them?
Yes the goldfish were inherited from the kids as well as the original 2 tiger barbS. Ended up getting 6 more of the barbs to keep the peace in the tank.

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