Introduction to aquariums course

One idea I have is to provide instruction on how to make the tank interesting to look at. Rather than just placing rocks/plants/decorations here and there, put some thought into where they are placed so as when people look at the tank, they don't just glance at it, but stay engaged with it. You mentioned that you are an art teacher, I'm sure you could use your creative juices here...

Good luck with it all - it sounds like a wonderful idea!
What other classes are held in this ”co-op?” Are regular type subjects taught?
Yes. It is supplemental teaching. Parents sign their kids up for whatever classes to enhance what is being taught at home. Science, math, English, history, theatre, martial arts, music lessons, choir, Latin, French, Spanish, playwriting, art, etc are some of the ones I remember off the top of my head.
One idea I have is to provide instruction on how to make the tank interesting to look at. Rather than just placing rocks/plants/decorations here and there, put some thought into where they are placed so as when people look at the tank, they don't just glance at it, but stay engaged with it. You mentioned that you are an art teacher, I'm sure you could use your creative juices here...

Good luck with it all - it sounds like a wonderful idea!
Aquascaping! Yes! Fantastic idea
One idea I have is to provide instruction on how to make the tank interesting to look at. Rather than just placing rocks/plants/decorations here and there, put some thought into where they are placed so as when people look at the tank, they don't just glance at it, but stay engaged with it. You mentioned that you are an art teacher, I'm sure you could use your creative juices here...

Good luck with it all - it sounds like a wonderful idea!
Definitely!! Get them to place things according to what type of fish are going in! Think about the fish!
It's a major part in aquascaping and fish care
So these are home schooled kids? So the classes are not regular full courses that are taught in public schools?
So these are home schooled kids? So the classes are not regular full courses that are taught in public schools?
Correct. Although some classes which are taught by accredited teachers are worth high school credits in whichever subject
Great idea.
Get em signed up on here and to bookmark seriouslyfish.
I think being taught the importance of cycling, water chemistry differences, fish-tank size ratios, water changes, fish group sizes etc at an early age would’ve kept me in the hobby for longer periods than I have been. Unfortunately back in late 60s early 70s the only info available locally were 20+yr old books and the LFS sales pitch.
JB, random thought here, but you have no shortage of good ideas between how to market your artwork to such ideas as this, cultivating the next generation of fish keepers and caring for our finned friends. You are an inspiration. Also, congratulations on your upcoming marriage. You deserve the best in life.
Why do you keep aquariums?

Answer that, and the focus of your course is created.

I did something similar, but I tied it into the science curriculum, and made my focus adaptation. So we did the easy stuff, setting up and maintaining a tank first. Honestly, there isn't a lot of substance there. It can be taught in a very short time. Looking at fish and how their bodies reflect their origins has teeth. One of my students has become a very respected, leading figure in the commercial side of the hobby. He credits the 'how to make your own biological filter" part for starting his interest.

I have a friend who keeps tanks for plants, with fish secondary, and he taught a free course in a community centre for years. I also worked with teaching kids in crisis about responsibility for other living things using tanks. I know a teacher who has an entire room of tanks, with each cared for by a kid who had previously lived in a freefall environment where no one took charge of anything.

I worked with one child who had an awful home life who made a deal with the school janitor to let her in to the building on holidays, so she could feed the fish. It sounds like nothing, but this was a kid who hid from the school so her home situation would be secret, and getting her in the door of her own volition was a real big step for her.

You never know...
But it is hard to make a longer course on aquariums, because they are fundamentally simple. If you go into breeding fish you can teach biology, if you go into form and function, you can teach evolution, if you go into water testing there's chemistry, and you can focus on ecology, genetics and all kinds of stuff using tanks. Just teaching how to run and aquascape a tank is quick, when you are talking. Typing online, it takes us hours, but face to face, we're efficient.

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