Introduction Of A New Betta Keeper

they are good sized tanks but your are going to need plants and hiding spots for the fish, espeically if they are going to be housed next to each other, just so when they are tired of flaring at each other they can go sleep. :p
Yea, I know. I just haven't gotten around to adding them. I have some down in the basement with my supplies from previous set-ups, I may have to trim them down to size. I wish I had some live plants left, but I didn't keep any left when the 100 gallon messed up.

EDIT: Just to note, the jewelry beside the tank are my girlfriend's.
Three of the sections are 3 gallons and are for the three males, the other section is 11 gallons and will house the three females.
the walls are mesh right? so that water and warmth can flow threw cause if not fishys on one side too hot and other side too cold..

also do the tanks have lids? cause bettas are jumpers and its never good to come home to dried out fishy on the floor

. and the breeding tank will need a tight fitting lid,, babys under 3 weeks old are very very delicate ,, they laberinth organ is just being formed and they need hot moist air to breath,, a cold dry draft can kill them and they sprint up to the top for a gulp of air , i sometimes wrap saran wrap on top of a lid to ensure good humity,, you have it right when condensation drips down the sides of the tank,, and when the babies are less then 3 weeks old try to lift the lid as little as possible to keep them warm

any plans on what to feed them right as they hatch,, most babys will only eat live food at first,, microworms ,vinigar ells, i feed wardlys liquid food for ther forst week then on to baby brine shrimp and powdered beta food. and then daphnia frozen, then adult brineshrimp , frozen < well thawed out first of course!!!

going right to baby brine shrimp weeds out the very smallest fry cause they arent big enough to eat them, and will cut down on fry numbers, but having 50 to 30 babies is alot to handle at a time any way..

do you have a bigger tank for a grow out tank? cause 10 probally isnt enough to hold more than 10 fry to 3 months,,, the bigger the tank then less aggresion and the later yiou can usually wait to have to start jarring out the boys,, what are you going to use for jarring and how arew you gonna keep them and keep them warm, some people uses heat mats but that not ecomomical for large baches of fry,, i just heep my fish in a side room with its own heater,,

at any rate babies are alot of work lol!!!good luck!!
I do have a tight fitting lid, but it is not on there atm. I do not plan on breeding until January. My grow-out tank will be the 10 gallon until the fry are about 4-6 weeks old, then I will move them to my 100 gallon, then will jar the males when aggression is apparent. I have loads of frozen bbs from my previous breeding pairs (cichlids). I plan on feeding the fry microworms for the first 5 days- 1 week, vinegar eels and bbs. After they are about 2 month I will start to work them over to pellets and other dried foods and by 3 months have them fully on dried foods. I plan on cutting down my fry count by culling the deformed fry.

The walls are mesh, of course. LOL, I would not use a solid plastic wall to divide the tank up. It would not be financially smart to use a solid plastic or glass wall due to the fact that you would have to buy a single heater for each section.

I have tons of equipment and accessories left over from my 100 gallon high tech planted tank; 4 spare lighting fixtures, 8 bulbs, two submersible heaters, filters, cleaning equipment, and tons more.
Hey guys. Well about 1 hour ago all 6 bettas came in. After the acclimation process was done I let them go in their quarters. All the females swam right on out and have been looking around, but the males are more sulky. The peacock butterfly is sulking the most of them all, kinda laying on the bottom of the tank on his side, but when I near the tank he flutters up a bit and swims. They are all gorgeous. I will post photos up later tonight, maybe tomorrow. I may just leave the lights off for the rest of the night, but I probably won't. So you guys should be expecting photographs up soon!
Here are some photos, not the best quality because I have yet to figure my new camera out.






I couldnt get any good shots of the females.




I could not get a single good photo of the other Electric Blue Peacock male :(

They are all sulking right now, but they will settle in a matter of time
give them a day then treat them to a good meal, but it was a long trip so they probally just need a rest. hope they calm down soon so you can get good shots.
They are gorgeous and certainly well worth the bit of extra wait you had.
But after the sheer hell of transport they've undergone, I think shell-shocked, not 'sulking' seems an appropriate term...
they will be freaked out and stressed for a few days, healthy food, dim lighting and no noise or vibrations around the tanks should help them a ton.

if you ask why I said noise or vibrations, loud tv systems or happy playing todlers are not good ideas lol.
ahh my baby really never comes in the room with bettas are in...the tv is never really loud so everything is good. they have started to come out more, eating a bit of brine shrimp
ahh my baby really never comes in the room with bettas are in...the tv is never really loud so everything is good. they have started to come out more, eating a bit of brine shrimp

thats good news i am glad there starting to settle down.
Yea, all the females are used to me now swimming to me when I near the tank, as well as the Peacock Butterfly and one of the Electric Blues. The other Electric Blue is still nervous but has come around alot since the feeding. Here are some updated photos with the fish color clearer since they are not as stressed:



This is the other Electric Blue I could not get a photo of.


Here is the Electric Blue I originally got a photo of.


And here is the Peacock Butterfly

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