A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from
Hello all,
Just found this forum while surfing. Thought I'd stop by.
I keep a brackish-themed web site including, among other things, a pretty lengthy FAQ on the topic that people have kindly helped me compile and improve over the last ten years. Do feel free to drop by, take a look, and pass on any extra info you'd like to share.
I've also got some pictures of my (slightly) brackish water aquarium with some nice gobies, a flatfish, halfbeaks, and other stuff. Some Mac/Windows software for brackish people too, that helps convert between salinity, specific gravity, and salt concentration. Free, of course.
All the best,
Just found this forum while surfing. Thought I'd stop by.
I keep a brackish-themed web site including, among other things, a pretty lengthy FAQ on the topic that people have kindly helped me compile and improve over the last ten years. Do feel free to drop by, take a look, and pass on any extra info you'd like to share.
I've also got some pictures of my (slightly) brackish water aquarium with some nice gobies, a flatfish, halfbeaks, and other stuff. Some Mac/Windows software for brackish people too, that helps convert between salinity, specific gravity, and salt concentration. Free, of course.
All the best,