

Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I introduce the newest addition to my little fish family. This is Cloud the Beta. He's by far the spunkiest I've had.

Anyways... isn't he beautiful? I'm still trying to find a plant for him- so his tank is kind of empty at the moment, but I'm sure he'll be ok :)

Awesome betta :drool: What size tank is he in and can you post a pic of the tank with him in it?
Lovely colour.
Hey I have that same tank only I don't have that much gravel and all it has as far as decorations go all I have is a fake plant in the tank with my betta also I don't use the under gravel filter because I think its a piece of crap and when it brings the poop up the tube all it does is blow it into the tank and fall back in the gravel and repeat it self. But nice looking tank and betta :drool:
Thanks. That much gravel was actually a mistake that I was too lazy to correct. I poured too much in. He doesn't seem to mind. He's going to get a little cutling of a plant too- once I can find it. I found some adorably small pots at Petco... so I'm planning on cutting off some branches on the Java fern going in the other tank, and "planting" them in the tiny pots and putting a couple in this tank- to give him something other than the dragon to swim around.

I never thought about the poop and stuff underneath being blown back up... eww. Do you use the air stone?

This Betta is such a ham- once he sees the camera flash once, he'll almost pose for the second picture :) He's great! :D
Nope. But I use it in my 2.5 gallon tank because since there are 2 bettas in it i want to make sure there is enough oxygen for them. That little hole on the hood is enough for a single betta to get oxygen. Plus they will enjoy the calm water.
Really. I did not know that... The next time I have to change his water then- I'll take it out. Thanks for telling me :)

I wonder if I can put it in my other tank..................
Congrats on your new boy! :wub: He is really beautiful, I love his steel blue coloring. His tank is very cute, I'm sure he'd love a plant or two. Just make sure he still has lots of swimming room. If you cut a leaf off of a Java Fern, won't it just die? Whenever a leaf is torn from my java ferns, it turns yellow quickly in the tank.

A lot of people have Aquaviews and use the undergravel filter... I dont have them in my 2 Aquaviews, personally, but that's mostly because I don't feel like adding that and hooking up an air pump to tanks that I clean 3x a week. It does break up the surface nicely, though ;) Just do what you feel is best... Cloud looks perfectly happy with the current!
from what i've read of java ferns, the cutlings can live if planted. i might ask the fish store man when i go in there. i do want to get him some plants, live if possible- if i can't find any, i'll buy him a silk one :)

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