Introducing The...


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
South Carolina

Having issues with the tank unfortunately as you might see in my other thread. *grumble*

But this is my creation!!

It houses as of tonight:

4 peppered cory
2 skunk cory
6 guppies
2 platies
1 pleco
3 female bettas

I bought the skunk cories Saturday and one died the next night. Another was looking a little rough tonight. Hopefully he pulls through, but it looks like he's going to pass on. As for the other 5...HAPPY. They LOVE sand!! I'll never have cories again unless I plan on them living in a tank with sand!
I love sand and use it in all my tanks. It looks good and the corys will love it. You should get at least 2 more corys by the way.
bonny looking tank sand makes all the
difference i think the tanks looking great
Thanks! It's my love child at the moment. I've been babying the tank. Driving my fiance crazy. :lol:

Got engaged over the weekend and I think my fiance is about to go up a wall because I'm spending all my time on this tank!

Next time I use sand though I'm going to wash it a bit first. The tank was extremely cloudy for a couple hours. I plan on adding more plants in the future, taller ones especially, and yes more cories!

I had 3 skunk cories, but one passed away and I have a feeling a 2nd died last night. Would have picked up at least 4 of them, but the LFS only had 3 left. It was either skunks or pandas and the skunks were a dollar cheaper. :shifty:

I think I'm going to get some bronze ones or julii. Haven't decided. Might pick up 4 of one of those types today. Petco has ICK real bad in a tank next to the julii cory though just a few days ago so I'll probably go to my LFS. He has a good number of bronze and I've had best luck with the bronze.

Need to stop buying fish though. I have to get my water perimeters leveled out in the 37. Getting an API test kit today so I will finally know the true water quality of the 4 household tanks. Might stick any new fish temporarily into a 10 gallon until the 37 is cycled better. So many things to think about! A year and a half ago I'd have never thought I'd be into "fish" now. :lol:
Nice deep sandy substrate is good, seen loads of people who put about 20mm in and i think, why?!
Good start :good: Def. needs more height though as it's quite a deep tank.
Your heater should be diagonal too. Like that, the thermostat will be reading the temp of the freshly heated water from the bottom and so might turn off too soon.

I have my heater tilted at an angle in my other tank. That was fiances doing. I'll angle it tomorrow when I go over there.

Yeah. It's highly lacking in height unfortunately. That's my next step. I want driftwood in it eventually, but it's SO expensive!

Yep, we added one bag of playsand and it looked great. I figured it'd look weird if it were only a half inch deep. It's actually deeper than you see in the pic too because i zoomed in a tad when I snapped the photo.

Oh, and I bought 4 bronze cories today. Only one remaining skunk despite the water being fine. Bad batch I'm thinking. The sole surviving skunk is happy though.

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