Introducing New Fish - Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2012
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A little over a month ago I had an ammonia disaster that wiped out most of my fish. I have 10 gal tank and since then I have done frequent water changes and worked at keeping both the ammonia and nitrite levels down. For the past couple of weeks I've been getting 0 readings on both with a slow increase in nitrate levels. (pH = 7.6, Ammonia = 0 ppm, Nitrite = 0 ppm, Nitrate = 5-10 ppm)

I want to start planning the addition of new fish and hope for some advice on strategies.

I have two fish left: a black neon tetra and a colored tetra.

I've read that both are "schooling" fish. I've also been told, and have read, that I should increase the fish in the tank slowly.

So where should I start? I think I should get fish of the same species to build up the schools.

The colored tetra is larger, I've also been told that it can be aggressive - although the only overt aggression I can see is that it pecks at the side of the tank. It never seems to chase or bother the black neon tetra. If I added more colored tetras first, would it give them the impetus to gang up on the black neon?

The black neon is smaller, but I don't want to crowd the colored tetra. If I added more black neon's first, would it be threatening to the single colored tetra?

Should I add one of each, then a week later another add another one of each? Give them each a friend one at a time?
Or should I add one extra colored tetra, and two black neons? Then stagger it after a week - two extra colored and a single black neon.

And how much is a satisfactory school? 3 of each? 5 of each?

I've also been told that my 10 gal tank may be too small for more colored tetras. I'm not sure the fish store will take back the colored tetra - but I haven't asked. It's been through a lot, I kind of want to hold onto it if I can. Would leaving it as a single be a bad idea if it was surrounded by schools of other fish?

I've read that rearranging the ornaments when adding new fish give the new and old fish a chance to adapt to a new situation on an even level.

I'd also like to, eventually, add another type of fish, to give the tank some variety. I like fancy guppies or rummy nose tetras. Any thoughts or experience with these fish? How would they get along with the colored and black neon tetras?

Right now they are pretty skittish; hiding in the corner when anyone enters the room. They've been that way since the last water change, but they swim about normally when I turn off the light at night, and if I peek during the day when nobody has been in the room. Since the water quality is fine, it's my guess that they are avoiding any outside movement and need time to settle down. I've read that adding more of the same species can help calm them. (I've been doing a lot of reading! I figure research will help avoid any future disasters.)

I will, as a matter of course, watch the water very carefully during this process.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi there, welcome to the forum. :)

The reson your fish are skittish is because they're singletons. Once in a group their behaviour changes drastically. Your tank is quite small for both of the fish you keep. Black Neons are quite chunky fish when adult. Unsure as to what Coloured Tetra's are, but from the sounds of things they're bigger so not ideal either.

You would be better off looking at Ember Tetra's in my opinion. You could easily stock a group of 10-12 in your tank. This would give you the opportunity to observe them behave more naturally. The bigger the school, the more happy they will be and the more naturally they will act. You would probably be ok to have a pair of Honey Gourami's too as centre piece fish. Add in a nice snail or two such as Pink Ramshorns or Nerite/Zebra Snail and you have a nicely stocked tank. The fish mentioned look stunning in a planted tank and that would also help them to feel more safer. Both these kind of snails are plant safe too. A dark coloured substrate and background would also help if you don't have these already.

As to stocking, i would ask your LFS if they would take the 2 fish back and add 6 Ember's the first week. The following day do a 50% water change. The following week add the other 4-6 and then, again, a 50% water change the day after. Add the Honey Gourami's last and keep a well maintained tank and you will have a great tank to enjoy. :)
I think the "Colored Tetra" is probably a Colored Skirt Tetra, a pale, dyed (probably injected) version of the Black Skirt Tetra. A bit too big and possibly nippy for a ten gallon, IMO. I would up the number of Black Neons (if that's what you want to keep,) and find a new home for the Skirt.
I think the "Colored Tetra" is probably a Colored Skirt Tetra, a pale, dyed (probably injected) version of the Black Skirt Tetra. A bit too big and possibly nippy for a ten gallon, IMO. I would up the number of Black Neons (if that's what you want to keep,) and find a new home for the Skirt.
I've seen the same fish called "Colored Tetra" and a "White Skirt Tetra" - the Local Fish Store labeled them "Colored Tetra" and a Google search for images shows the same fish.

I was watching them last night and they were very active, but it looked like the Black Neon was the more aggressive of the two. Chasing the Colored Tetra around the tank and bumping up against it. No nipping that I could see but the Black Neon was definitely dominating. Do fish "play" with each other?

I'll see if the store will take back the larger fish. I hope so, I don't have anywhere else to put it and I certainly don't want to set it free. (so to speak) :no:

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