Introducing Myself & My Myriad Of Fishy Problems!


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hello Everyone!
I am Jan and I live in Portland, TN. We are a small rural town about 50 miles N. of Nashville. I have a 5 gallon tank set up and a 10 gallon I plan on setting up soon, well as soon as I get the 5 gal straight...which is obviously going to take awhile (sigh)..... I have one beautiful male tetra named Finley. Finley says "Hi" and he hopes his Mommy gets some help so he can get out of his 1 gal bowl and back in his big tank:eek:) I have a Dilute Tortie Persian named Tasha who is sitting on my desk wishing I would just forget the darn tank and get back to other things! Not very patient is Tasha... Well, Hello again and lets head off to the places where you can ask all sorts of fun questions like ... you know .... why is my tank not cycled...AARGH.......
Bye for now! :crazy:
Hiya, welcome to the board.
lol...i'm new too and i'm having a $#!t load of problems too.

dead heater and filter...

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