Introducing Lancelot!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
I got this guy during my winter break, but couldn't bring him back to my dorm so he's not new, but hasn't had a formal intro yet :). My sister picked the name lol. So here is Lancelot! Sorry for soo many pics but he is so beautiful but just doesn't stay still! So I figured with alot of pics...his general color could be pieced together :p







Also, I had a thread earlier about wanting to spawn my boy Pescado (yes...his name is fish lol) but i realized he has very bad red on the ends of his fins (I think its called red washing?) and I heard thats not a good trait, so I'm not so sure about him. But then I found this guy and a girl that matches him pretty well and I'm pretty sure is a crowntail as well. So figured I'd throw that idea out there as well. Here is the girl (at least, whatever shots I could get of her!!)


She also has that metallic-look to her in some light (I dunno what that is though lol)

This female is not a crown. I looked up your post about pescado. It's not wash, more of a red/blue butterfly. It isn't usually desireable to mix blue, and red. But if your not looking to show, you can breed whatever you want. The 2 you have in that post with him, are crowns. I would agree on putting that blu/pink with pescado.
:unsure: How come blue and red are not desirable traits in bettas? Why don't they like that combo on the show circuit? Also what does F1 mean? My beautiful baby Fred is blue with a red wash, plus he is also a VT. VTs don't seem to be welcomed on the show scene. I am glad bettas come in all colors and tail types. The are pretty now matter what color or tail shape!
some very interesting pics. lol he doesnt even look like the same betta in all of them. very sweet!

from an artistic standpoint, red and blue usually dont go together very well. I would guess that for show, bettas should have a uniform color or the colors should be separated very distinctly. different color washes are not so "uniform". I could be entirely wrong, but that's my take on it.
Lancelot's lovely.. and it's a great namel! :nod:

My Alfie's blue and red (VT) too, and while I know the colour's undesirable for showing, I think it looks beautiful :D
Thanks for all the comments! I had no idea about the red and blue not being very desirable, I guess it's good I asked :). But that doesn't make me love him any less, he just won't be meating any girlies :p
yeah i love the red/blue look as well. the guy in the left of my sig has a red wash in him and i love it. he's changed colors quite a bit too because of that wash.

lancelot is a stunning fish imo. i really disregard the show standards in picking a betta that i enjoy.

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