Introducing Betta Into The Tank


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Mar 17, 2009
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I just bought a beautiful new Betta whom I named Perry. I have a cycled tank ready for him, but I am not quite sure what the best and least stressful way is to introduce him into it? Any tips or suggestions would be great! I don't want a bad start for this little guy :).
Thank you! He's doing good so far! I just put him in and he's pretty cautious with his surroundings right now. Just exploring the tank slowly. I think he's starting to enjoy it though :).
Yes, I'm working on it! Though he seems to hate the camera and is swimming away as fast as he can when I put the camera up to him! haha. I guess I will just have to give him some time to get used to me :p
bless they do take a while sometimes but as soon as they recognise you as the bringer of food he will be straight there as soon as he sees you :lol:
Best way to introduce your Betta to a new tank is to get one of them square containers that they have in the fish stores to put fish in after they catch them. Hang that on the inside of the new tank and pour your Betta and his water slowly into that container. Leave it there for 20 minutes and that will get the water he is in equal to the temperature of the water in his new tank. Then every 30 minutes add a cup of water from his new home to the container he is in. This will slowly adapt him to any pH or other chemical differences between the water he is in when purchased and the water in his new home to be.

If the container gets filled, just empty some of it into his tank so you can add more water from his tank into the container he is in. I measure the pH after every two hours and when I get a match then I know I can put him in the new home safely.

As you are seeing, it's fun to watch a betta who has spent his life in a little cup explore his knew BIG home. They are very causious at first and will usually sleep the first two nights near the surface in a clearing so they can see if anything around them might attack. Then, they'll realize they have the tank to themselves and know it's safe and will really start to enjoy their new BIG home.

As far as the camera, he may be seeing his reflection in the lens but it has been my observation that they are so much into exploring their new homes for the first week or two that they won't want much to do with us humans except for feeding. But later on, he/she will get bored and love your attention. :)

Congratulations on your new Betta and thank you for saving him from Shot Glass Hell. :)
Thanks for all the information! :).

I'm leaving him alone for awhile so he can get used to everything. I tried feeding him, but he completely ignored the food. I did manage to get him to eat one pellet though so it isn't completely a lost cause! =P. I guess I'm still adjusting with having a totally new fish and a new personality to deal with. I'm so used to my old guy I had for 3 1/2 years that passed away a few months ago. It will just take time to get to know Perry and his little quirks, right? :p.

Since I can't get a picture of him right now to give justice of his beauty, i'll provide you with a little description!

He is primarily blue, but his tail is a blend of green to blue which provides an amazing mix of colour and a piercing tint of blue! His ventral fins are completely red with white tips at the end. I wanted to get a unique looking betta (basically not red or blue), but this little guy definitely won me over and his settle beauty!

I can't wait to post a picture of him soon :)
He does sound real pretty. Don't worry about him not eating. It just means he's loving his new home so much he doesn't have time for food yet. :) He also might not like the pellets though so if he ain't eating after several days, try giving him some basic flake food.
Alright, good to know! I hope he likes pellets...they are my favourite thing to use! =P
Haha, oohhh boy! Okay. So I did my best to get a few decent shots. Every single picture is either blurry or is just of his behind (since he kept hiding). I decided I would let him have his privacy after a couple tries...but I do have a few to show! They are nowhere near excellent, but this will hopefully help give you an idea on what he looks like!
The first one shows a bit of his green and blue to his tail

The second is a really blurry shot (but unfortunately the best one) of his whole body. Notice the red ventral fins =).

Hopefully I can get a really nice shot once he gets to know me better (and doesn't run away from the camera!) But for now these will have to do.
Thanks! He's definitely fun to have around. He's super active, that's for sure! He's starting to get used to me now. Doesn't swim away the minute he sees my hand with food! He's starting to realize that big hand gives him food! haha.

I may also change his name. Perry doesn't really suit him, unfortunately. I'm just not sure what to call him!

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