Interpet's No8 Finrot & Fungus


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
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I was just reading the pinned topic in this forum and someone mentions that Interpet's No8 (finrot & fungus) treatment can knock fish out for upto 3 days. Can someone confirm this? I have just added this to my tank yesterday and about 4 hours later I found a cherry barb and dwarf neon rainbow fish 'dead'. After reading the pinned topic I have a horrible feeling they weren't. They were both floating on the botton of the tank with no movement when I found them. I'd already had two other fish die previously so I just assumed the medicine had been too late for them and they were dead. :-(
Ive used this before and none of my fish were either knocked out or killed. If you stick the the stated dose it should be fine.
You would have to really overdose the med for that to happen.
Maybe they were to weak to handle the med.
Have you increased aeration in the tank.
Thanks for the replies. I turned up the flow on the filter to full after I added the treatment. I'm going to double check what I added, but from memory I added 25ml of the treatment. Its a 125L tank and I dissolved it in a couple of jugs of tank water. I'm pretty sure I got the amounts right, but I'm still going to double check.
Some fish don't tolerate meds to well, and even worse if they are ill.
Thanks for the replies. I turned up the flow on the filter to full after I added the treatment. I'm going to double check what I added, but from memory I added 25ml of the treatment. Its a 125L tank and I dissolved it in a couple of jugs of tank water. I'm pretty sure I got the amounts right, but I'm still going to double check.

For the ingredients in Interpet medications to be activated they need to be dissolved in clean warm water, as in warm to the hand (about 40c), not tank water. As far as remember you should dilute the Interpet medications in 500ml of water for every 50ml of medication, but its been a long time since i used any meds so i could be wrong on that.
Have double checked the amounts and they were correct. I guess the treatment just pushed those two over the edge. I think it was OK using tank water, the treatment dissolved in it fine. The 4 rainbows and 3 barbs left seem a bit more normal now. One of the rainbows kept hiding under the filter before so hopefully its on the mend now.
I haven't lost any more fish since I added the treatment on the 14th and the white fungus(?) has gone from the rainbows mouths. However the 3 cherry barbs I have still seem very sluggish and not very keen on feeding. I did the 30% water change on the 21st as recommened by the interpet instructions. Anyone got any ideas to help the cherrys?

To re-cap the tanks is 125l with 4 praecox and 3 cherry barbs and 5 amano shrimp. I had 5 cherry barbs from November. It all started to go wrong when I added the praecox and shrimp a few weeks ago.
Being sluggish can be a sign of a bacerial infection, you had one with the columnaris.

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