Interpet No:6 Anti white spot


New Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Scotland, U.K
Hi Everyone :D

I have my first case of Ich, for which i am using Interpet no: 6 Anti white spot treatment.

It's been nearly a week now with no sign of anything getting any better. I have upped the temp in the tank to try and get rid of it a little faster.

I'm starting to wonder if this treatment is any good.

Has anyone else tried this? Has it worked for you?

Any help would be great, my Spotted pictus are all covered in it now.
I used waterlife Protozin and the white spot was gone within 5 days. Never had a problem since. ( touching wood) :D
Interpet no: 6 Anti white spot treatment - used it many a time with no problems at all - have you followed the instructions exactly as it always seems to be fine for me
Yeah, i've checked a dozen times and i have got all the measurement's correct.

The one thing i did notice though is that afetr the treatment is in the water it obviously dye's it, and you can see it, however a few hour's later it seem's to be gone!!

I have a Fluval 2 filter for which i removed the fine filter layer and have just left the 2 large foam pad's.
When i went in the other night to have a look at it, the two pad's are coloured still by the med's!

Any idea what's going on?
Absolutely normal. Interpret #6 is far weaker than protozin, but doesn't stain the tank as much and (IMO) is far better for a live community tank (as opposed to putting stronger protozin in a quarantine tank). You'll need to go through a couple of dosing cycles. Interpret is day 1 and day 4 if memory serves me correctly, so day 8 will be day 1 of the next dose cycle. Remember to do one dose cycle after the last white spot has disappeared.

It's also normal for it to apparently vanish out the tank after a few hours. It's still there, don't worry.
Yep I've used it and the most stubborn case was in my 210 litre. Took 4 weeks to get rid of it :angry:

Keep up with it till you don't see anymore spots and then treat again at least twice, which is what I did. Just keep doing your water change and adding new meds every 3 days like it says

Good luck!
Thank's Def :D

As i said this is my first case of Ich and when it seemed to vanish after a few hour's in the tank, i just could not understand why as i'd removed the carbon.

We'll at least i know i'm not going mad now :drool:

Thank's again.

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