Internal Parasite Guard - Any good?


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
Well, i had to Euthanise one of my guppies today because i figured out (with the help of you guys!) that he had Camallanus, or internal parasites/worms. I dont see any of the red threadlikes showing on any of the 3 remaining, but I was really wondering if I could try an Anti-Internal Parasite med (Jungle Internal Parasite Guard) along with 100% sterilization and hope.
Anyone ever tried it?
Ever heard of any other cures (I'm pretty sure they caught it too, considering the infected was the first one in the tank ever...)
Well, i bought Jungle tank buddies parasite clear, and the 10 gal is totally infection free, except the fishies in it possibly, lol
Boiled gravel, deco, washed tank with hot watern salt, ran filter with nothing in it but hot salt water, rinsed it, and water is all infection free...Thew infected never was in the 5 gals that i put in fresh, and the 5 gals that the three were in until yesterday.
I also bought a new filter foam, and the three seem happier than ever, I;m watching them carefully though because the tank obviously is starting a whole new cycle.
Did i do everything right? I hope so, thanks for all help.

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