Interesting Killifish

Somethings Fishy Here

Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2005
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I have two Golden Wonder Killifish, and I believe when i got them I had a male and a female and am more sure of it now. Each is about 1 1/2" long and about 4 days after i got them i found what looked like a large clear ball on the bottom of the aquarium. Needless to say I was confused as ive never seen eggs this big from any other fish so after some research online I founf that killifish eggs are about this size so I'm sure it came from the killis. But the egg was clear as if there was no embryo and it was just lying on the gravel. I thought killis stuck their eggs to things rather than scattering them, and arent they a little small to be breeding? and why on earth did this egg seem to be empty?
Aplochelius Lineatus. (gold) will spawn around the size you mentioned, but may not be viable ( not fertilised) Their eggs are quite large as killifish go. They will usually lay their eggs in a home made spawning mop but will spawn anywhere really. The male will wrap the dorsal and anal fins around the female and go into the familiar "S" position, shake about a bit and then the little jerk will signify that an egg has been laid. Try making some mops for yourself and see if the fish spawn and then compare what you saw before. The eggs hatch between 11-14 days and the fry are large enough to take brineshrimp nauplii and microworm from the outset.
A word of warning though and I have relayed this so many times on this forum. These fish are predators by nature and grow to 4" (100mm) they have a deceptivly large mouth which can open very wide and they will consume smaller tankmates. So be careful when chooseing tankmates for them. (best kept in a species tank when they get older). A very nice species all the same and a good beginners fish which are easy to breed and rear.
yea as of right now I have them in my community tank but was definitely planning on putting them in with my african cichlids once they grew a bit, I just wasnt sure about this egg as I thought they may have been a bit young for any breeding habits.


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