Interesting how folks don't ask advice


Fish Crazy
May 21, 2004
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New Jersey
I was just talking to my niece and she told me that she had gotten a small aquarium. She proceeded to tell me that all but one of the fish has died. I asked her when she got the tank, when she added fish, etc. She didn't cycle the tank, but also she got 6 goldfish and put them in a 5 gallon tank! :eek:

She knows that I have fish. In fact, she used to housesit for us when we would go away and followed all of my instructions to the T.

I was surprised that she didn't talk to me before getting a tank and fish. I told her about the cycling process and the bioload, just wish she had talked to me first!

Thanks for letting me ramble.
My girlfriends brother did the same thing - knowing what we are like with our fish.

His wife went out and bought ALL the wrong fish and the other day he told us they had all died...

We've offered to walk him throught the setup of it this time... I just hope his other half listens as she didnt want to know last time... "Well I've had angel fish and neons before and they were fine" in a 15 gal... :crazy:

poor fish :(
I can never decide which is worse--not asking, or asking and not taking any of the advice.
It seems weird to me too :/ my firiend did exactly the same thing a while ago, she put four goldfish into an uncycled 8g tank and then was really upset when they all died. To this day I don't know why she thought she could take care of an animal without researching any of its needs.

But I helped her set up and get a betta and some panda cories and I think she has mts coming up :lol:

I think asking-but-not-accepting is worse, because it's actively cruel, whereas not asking is jsut thoughtless. :dunno:
Yes, I know what you mean. My cousin just got a 2g bowl and put a comet in it. Then messaged me to ask what it needed. :rolleyes: She then asked me what could live in a bowl that size without a filter (I breed bettas and have about 200+ from a recent spawn). She actually went to buy one! In the end I told her to take the comet back and let her pick one of mine. She'd better not kill it or I'll be mad :grr: (It was one of my best-a steel blue crowntail). You just can't tell some people. :rolleyes:
It really bad when that happens though, I try to help all the time with my friends :) I give advice and sometimes go to the lfs with them and help them choose the proper fish for their tank!
thank god people go to me before they buy fish, and i always usually go with them to the lfs to make sure they are doing the write thing
Seems to be the rule rather than the exception.
Try going into Pets At Home on a Saturday and you'll see what I mean.

Sorry did I say that outloud :whistle:
Red said:
Pets at Home are total TW@TS - they haven't a CLUE!
Yes, they may not have a clue but at least (so far) their stuff is cheaper (Im not including livestock in that statement, at your own risk people!) But , NO they really dont have a clue! :rolleyes:
Unrelated topic, Dwarf Dude, do you know exactly what kind of Chichlid the spotted white one, named, if I remember correctly from an earlier post "Apache?". That is the only chchlid I have seen so far that I have really loved the looks of.

We set up a tank for my gran a while ago, but she knows what she's doing as she and grandad (may he rest in peace) used to keep fish anyway.

And none of my friends apart from one who already keeps them are particularly interested in getting a tank.

But some of them are SO irresponsible, they just try and get my puffers to puff, EVEN when I say NO!!!!!!!!!!

Some people.

EDIT: Some people say that fish are boring, I could die!!!!! :rip: to me!!!!

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