Interesting fish


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
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Ontario Cananda
Ok, I'm having problems with my hubby again saying that my fish are boring and that the fish that I want to get are boring. So I'm coming to you for help. Is there any fish that would go ok in my 65 gallon tank that would be ok with my other fish?? He wants them to be bigger than the fish I already have. Here is what I have in the tank right now.

6 Black Skirt Tetras
4 Cherry Barbs
3 Panda Cories
2 guppies
1 Sailfin Pleco

I may give my pleco back to the lfs if he gets to big. Right now he is about 5 inches. The tank is 4ft long and 18 inches wide, I'm not sure of the height though. If you have any suggestions, I will look up some info on them. I think he would be more interested in an odd ball, but I'm not to sure.

Hi, Gabe

First, just for info, if your tank was store-bought, then it's either larger than you think, or you made a typo, or you're not using US gallons.

A standard 65 gallon tank is 36x18x24.
A standard 75 gallon tank is 48x18x20.
A standard 90 gallon tank is 48x18x24.

Is there any fish that would go ok in my 65 gallon tank that would be ok with my other fish??

All those fish are peaceful community fish. In my opinion, most other peaceful or community fish should be fine in that tank, but I'd watch out for one thing: some fish which are usually peaceful will tend to be drawn to attack male guppy tails. In particular, I've always had problems with dwarf gouramis and guppies.

I'm not really sure what he might mean by "un-boring". Does that mean more color? Active 'antics'? An unusual shape? Some general hints about those questions would help narrow things down.
My tank was store bought, but I'm positive on the measurments I gave because we measured it about ten times while making the stand. I'm just not sure about how tall it is and I can't find my measuring tape. They guy at the store said it was a 65 gallon long. And I am using US gallons.

I'm not even sure what he means by not boring. He was pretty interested in African Cichlids. He also thought Bala Sharks looked pretty cool to, but I'm not sure I could keep them in my tank. I think he wants both colour and "antics" for interesting fish. He thought it was cool that cichlids would rearrange the gravel. He might end up liking the cories,....I hope ;)

All my research on my pleco said they could reach up to 18 inches, so I know he will probably get to big. I just can't bring myself to give him up(and I'm not positive the lfs will take him back). He doesn't seem to even notice the other fish, unless they try to take his algea wafer from him, even then he doesn't really do anything, just moves towards them a little. Not that I'm saying he will always ignore the other fish, but he does right now.

Gabe said:
He was pretty interested in African Cichlids. He also thought Bala Sharks looked pretty cool to, but I'm not sure I could keep them in my tank. I think he wants both colour and "antics" for interesting fish. He thought it was cool that cichlids would rearrange the gravel. He might end up liking the cories,....I hope ;)
I keep Kribensis in my community tank and they are African cichlids, I think rams are also suitable for some community set-ups.


I wouldn't be worried about your plec going after other fish (that's what you sounded like above :unsure: ) because they just don't seem that way inclined. If you like him, keep him. I think your tank's big enough to hold him at least for a good while. Just keep an eye on your parameters.

Kribs, Thomas' Butterfly Cichlid, and other peaceful West African cichlids would make a great match, both in temperment and water requirements. Avoid the Rift Lake Cichlids, as they require completely different water conditions.

(Note to self: Next tank = West African tank with colorful cichlids and tetras)
Thank you for the encouraging words on my pleco Cheese Specialist. I REALLY like Kribs and always thought I would want a pair. I'll do some research and see what the hubby thinks.

Thanks for the advice modernhamet. I'll have to check out the West African cichlids as well and then I'll have another hard decision. lol. Thanks for the warning on the Rift Lake cichlids though, I wouldn't have had a clue :unsure:

Try Congo tetras, German Rams, Kribs, Glass cats, African Butterfly fish, Hatchet fish, Serpae tetras...rummy nose....list goes on! Fish are never boring though, make sure he gets that point!
some North and South American cichlids are actually compatible in a community tank like the severums(get a gold), Angels, Acaras...
He doesn't think all fish are boring, just the ones I like :grr: So I told him I would be willing to get one or two fish to be like a centre piece in the tank. Now I just have to get him to settle on one.

When I told him that a couple of you had suggested cichlids, he said that the guy at the lfs said that cichlids wouldn't work because of water conditions. So I did some looking around and everything I found on West African cichlids said they were ok in community tanks. He couldn't believe it lol. So maybe I will get a pair of Kribs, they are SSSOOOO pretty. But I will have to sacrafice some of the other fish I wanted and I don't know if I'll be able to choose which ones :no: I might not get the Congo Tetras and go for Serpaes instead. Well, we'll see I guess.

Thanks for all the help everyone, and if you can think of anything else let me know. I haven't commited yet ;)


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