Interesting Community For Small Tank? (7 Gallons?)


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey, I like invetebrates and was wondering what kind of interestin community I could house in a reasonably small tank.

I've got a filter and heater if they need to be used, can put a few plants in aswell.

So, suggest away :)
I have a couple of Amano Shrimp and a trio of Red Crystal shrimp in a 7US gallon. The latter isn't that easy availalbe, but Red Cherry Shrimp is - sometimes on eBay even. Though do be aware the shrimp are very sensitive to heavy metals, ammonia and nitrite. And as a result do not fare well in new tanks. I'd only risk adding them in a tank at least 3 months old.
You could get some ghost shrimp and I know you said Invertebrates but you could get some African Dwarf Frogs as well.

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