Interested In Discus Fish

WOW this thread is still going ^^
I must say I love my planted aquarium and Love my Discus Looking at getting 5 more pretty soon ^^ now that money isn't so tight, and now that I have settled down the wife decided to put the bug in my ear lets breed discus after all we have a history together in breeding lol smaller easier non profit things.....(Many fails and many success(Breeding isn't considered success its the raising of the fry that is the success part)
I first started out with 3 ended up with 5 and lost 1 out of the entire deal to nematodes!
I raised them all from babies, keep in mind all fish came from different places!
from 3" to a growling max size so far of 10" :eek: and 1 that is stunted I think it was stunted when I baught it to be honest, back then didn't know what I know today about these things!
I will say one thing with only 1 water change a week to sometimes 2 water changes a week 50% of the tank and double dose for the ferts seems to work for me and the fish are happy and feed out of my hand! Every single one of them! Now I am in the habit of making my own food what I call my secret recipe ^^.

Cobalt Blue has grown to a size I just have a hard time imagining its a dream I know it is 10" I think definitly a Male!
Snakeskin the colour has faded hmm... from what I can tell it seems to be a Female
Pigeon Blood(Snakeskin tone) is about 7" in size I would say and the colours :eek: they are OMG I think a male
and last but not least the runt! Tourq (Blue if i remember right) 5" seems to grow but very very slowly and remember they are 8 month now for me but this guy I do believe is the oldest in the tank but yet the smallest and I believe this guy is stunted!

Coming in the New year we are Looking at setting up a perfect show tank that might end up costing 5grand for a show tank, not sure when this will happen but for sure will share the process in the building and setting up of this massive tank. We are looking at setting up a Custom built 120 Planted with stock being wait for it.....

But for right now we are enjoying our little 55gal tank right now we have setup a Hi Tech system on a bugget that seems to be working extremly well we have changed alot of plants from being stems to actual rooted Plants to start filling in the substrat so there is no substrate visible to the eye :)

Other than that we are looking for 2 more to add to the bunch so its 6 in the tank, but relize now we might have to grow them out before putting them in the tank due to the size of these ones.

thanks for all the info and the directions pointed in for it

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