Intelligent fish?

Which species of fish do you think are the smartest?

  • Bettas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oscars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mollies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gouramis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plecos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clown loaches

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mbuna cichlids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other cichlids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other non-cichlids

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Alien Anna

Fish Gatherer
Jul 10, 2002
Reaction score
We all think our fish are the smartest, but be honest and tell me what you think! :D

I think my male sailfin molly is an Einstein of the fish world, but my hubby says it's just cupboard love :( I'm reserving judgement on Bruce the Betta as I haven't known him long enough, but maybe...
By far and away, my angelfish. I've never had a stupid angelfish, and some of them seem flat out brilliant to me. :lol: My largest and oldest male can recognize me from across the room. :nod: He shakes and shimmies and does the macarena when he sees me, yet he ignores everybody else. Also, he doesn't swim away from my hand when I reach into the tank for things. He'll sit right there beside me while I aquascape or clean. Once, he had some kind of plant stuck somehow to his tail fin (don't ask how it was stuck, I still have no idea), and he sat perfectly still while I reached into the aquarium and gently took it off of him.

My sailfin pleco is pretty smart - a least s/he get the best places in the tank

I think Maria's pretty smart...she uses the fry as a barrier between her and her abusive hubby...he wont hurt her in front of sweet...and oscars have a great personality!
I think it's just an opinion, but in my tank...I would have to say my tetra and betta. So I voted betta. He is always the one to know when its time to be fed.
Heh, interesting topic. I don't really know how to measure the intelligence of fish, so I'll just go for the ones that seem to recognize me specifically.

My male betta Stinky was a cool fish, he was never nervous when I needed to reach into the tank for whatever reason. He'd also eat from my hand, but sometimes used his teeth on me! Fortunately he was too small to do any damage. ;)

Then there was the Red-eyed Devil, my albino Rainbow Shark. Another one who ate from my hand and wouldn't hide if it was me who came close to the tank. He showed different behavior towards other fish, even different fish of the same species, for reasons only he knew himself (check out my thread titled "Albino Rainbow Shark?" if you want to know the details).

Hmmm, tough choice. I'll have to wait with voting and think about this. ;) Too bad you can't vote for two.
I have some guppies and a couple swordtails and they are all pretty dumb (or at least easily entertained). All they do is follow their reflection in the corner of the tank! Up and down, up and down, up and down! You would think they would get dizzy after awhile. I think the smarter fish would probably be more predatory than my little livebearers though, probably something more like an oscar.
the betta in my community tank seems far out smarter then the others.
he sort of showed me that serpae tetras were bad mix with him.. he would puff out and chase them all day until i took them away (thx to all you folks letting me know how nasty those serpae are!!) I can hand feed all of my betta's, and i think thats really cool. but at times... when its really dark in the room, but the tank light is on.. he keeps attacking the glass... :unsure:
Its just got to be a clown loach mine r like dogs they obey me :lol:

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