Inspired To Build A Backdrop


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Hi all, after reading fozzy posts and seeing his amazing syrofoam background, im inspired. im getting back into fish keeping and im getting a 2ft setup for my birthday (biggest i can resonably house im new house!). I want to have a go at building a background, but i also want to hide my heater and internal filter. What would be the best way to do this so that:

A) they are stilll accesible
B) i get proper circulation

Okay, so ive had a few ideas. please bere with the MS paint pictures, and note, they arnt to scale in the slightest.

My first pic is for the intake of the internal filter. i was thinking of hiding the filter in the corner in a square chunk cut out of the foam, slightly bigger than the filter so i can still get it out. in this pic, imagine the filter is behind the grey wall, and the intake is where the black slits are:


my question is, if the slits were, say 5mm wide and as long as the filter intake, and there were 4 of them, would enough water/waste pass through to mae this effective?

My next picture is for the output from the filter. it is a top down view. imagine the pice of PVC pipe is in line with the filter output, right up against it, and the PVC pipe is hidden an inch or so down from the top inside the foam:


where the heater is there would be more 5mm slits, the length of the heater. 2 questions for this one:

1) Would the water be heated properly, seens as only the water passing over the heater woudl be being heated (bear in mind that there would be a constant flow of this)
2) would this create enough circulation in the tank, seens as the water is only coming out through my proposed slits.

Any help with this would be appreciated! sorry for the poor pictues, im not very artsy with paint!
hehe thanks, mazing what you can do at 3 in the morning in a sleep deprived state! i am eger to start this project, i am thinking of having a slate style background, with some large flat slate-like peices of foam sticking out maybe 2 inchs out, to create some shelfs for fish to hide under, in addition to some PVC pipe caves :D i am also going to have a go at constructing a rock spire that conects to the wall, sort of like an arm reaching out towards the bottom of the tank.

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