
Its in the bin now. it was very quick in the water climbing up the air hose and it tried running away when on the paper.
Glad to find its amusing you all lol.

Poke it. What does it do? :lol:

Last time I tried poking something I ended up with a couple of kids.
Can I have a deal if I buy a few hundred?
Last time I tried poking something I ended up with a couple of kids.

And here I am trying to behave myself in relation to FF04's comment!

Google damsel fly larvae...see what you think
Apart from the Damselfly.
the advice so far is poke it and cover it in chocolate, well im glad we cleared all this up lmao.
Don't forget to rub it around on the floor, see how it reacts!
Yes it does. Hey FF04 could you go vote in my poll?!?!

It looks like a damselfly. how do I get rid of them if anymore turn up. Im due to finish cycle in a couple of days and will be adding fish.
It's nothing to worry about, your fish will eat the larvae when they are very small and eventually they get big and just fly away. I dunno how it got in there but they will be gone before long one way or the other!

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