Inherited Fish, Bought More Fish, Now What To Do?


New Member
Mar 2, 2008
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Hi there,
1st post as I've only just begun to get into fish.

It all started when I moved into my new house,
the house came with a pond and a small fishtank.
In the pond is a mixture of 15-20 koi and goldfish (I think)
In the aquarium were 4 goldfish and 2 of those little fish that suck the glass.

The ponds doing quite well, although it's a bit green now.
I've got a fair idea what to do though, cover it from sun and buy a uv filter.

The problem is with the tank.
Initially all the fish died, except Hercules who is the smallest goldfish.
It seems that I poisoned the goldfish by using the wrong chemicals and the sucker fish died later from cold.
I was told that the ones I had were tropical and so the cold of december was to much for them.

We really missed the sucker fish so we went to the local aquarium store and bought a pair of Garra Garras.
Both are tiny and they are really fun fish
After a little while that wasn't enough though so we bought some more fish today.
We have another Garra Garra who is fully grown and a little nervous.
A young Albino Paradise Fish
and a tiny Gold Zebra Danio

Obviously this isn't enough either, but before I go mad and buy all the fish I need to take some time out to think about what will be successful.
Initial plan was to heat the tank so that we could have more colourful fish.
However the tank isn't really big enough for the large Garra Garra and I have a bit of a mixture of fish here.

I have obtained another larger tank which I would like to be heated and full of colours.
I can't work out though which fish should live where and how each should be set up.

First thoughts are,

Leave goldfish and 2xsmall Garra Garra in small tank
Add 3 more fish to the tank and leave as is.
It has a small internal filter, 2 plants and a small tube light which seems to keep the water fairly healthy for 6 fish.


The Large Garra Garra, the paradise fish and the zebra danio to the larger tank.
Set it up as a tropical (I'm only slightly aware of the difference) tank using a heat mat (I'm told these are the better, budget, heaters) and an internal filter for now but upgrading to an external when possible.
I am aware that I will also need plants, substrate, chemicals, more fish and a light for this tank.

Heres where the questions come,
What sort of stuff should I be looking at for this tank?
The size of it is approx 3ftx2ft

Which water treatment should I buy and is it necessary to buy a monitoring kit or can I just take a sample to the aquarium shop every week like I do now?

Are there any really good or bad plants? I went through quite a few in the first tank before I found ones that didn't need trimming to much and that the fish liked to play in too.

Will the fish I want to put in the tank be ok? I know the paradise fish has a bit of a reputation as a bully. He's got a naughty tank though just in case.

I'd like to add some more danios first after I set up the new tank, mine looks like it should be swimming with 5/6 others. Will that be ok?

Once I get to there I'll need quite a few reccommendations about the fish as well.
I don't know what I can really put in this tank and I've been buying what looks cool so far.
I must plan ahead so I don't end up not being able to stock the tank, I'm a bit wary that getting the paradise fish may have really limited what I can keep.

So lets assume I will have

1 big Garra Garra
7 Zebra Danio
1 Paradise fish

What would be some compatible fish for me to consider??

Thanks in advance for you're replies.
Sorry it was such an essay, but these questions must be asked.
All the best,
What size tank are the goldfish in?
What type of Garra do you have?
For your 3ft tank you are better off buying a heater as they are better at maintaining a constant temperature.
You are best buying your own test kit as this will enable you to check the water if any problems arise.
There are many types of water treatment available and it is personal preference what type you use. I use AquaPlus for my tanks which eliminates chlorine and chloramine.
Paradise fish can become very aggressive as they mature and are best kept in a species only tank. It might be worth asking your lfs to rehome him for you.
Zebra Danios are best kept in groups of 6+ and are very active so aren't ideally suited if you want a tank of peaceful community fish. They are also renowned for fin nipping so this may restrict you to what fish you could keep with them.
Suitable beginner plants would be Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss and some types of Cryptocorynes.
Danios, Platies, Mollies and Swordtails are hardy fish and suited to a tank that has been newly set up. You need to make sure that your tank has cycled and that the water readings are all ok.
You would be best adding a few fish at a time as this gives the filter a chance to build up enough bacteria to cope with any waste. It also enables you to stand back, look at your tank and get an idea of what type, size, colour etc. of fish you would like to add next.
Hello James, I live in the UK and I bought a decent quality internal heater for £15 ($29) which is quite innexpensive and a much better (and more reliable, not to mention safer) option for heating.

Paradise fish can be quite agressive if they start breeding (I had to take mine back to my LFS as they bullied half their tankmates, some being twice their size, to death). But I have found lone Paradise fish to be quite calm.

Neon tetras, mollies and platies would be some good starter tropicals I would recommend.

You could also add some Corydoras to your tank to add some real character and to hoover up fallen food.

Hope I helped.

Neon Tetras and Corydoras are both sensitive fish that prefer a mature tank so it would be best to add these when your tank has been running for about 3 months or so. :good:
Neon Tetras and Corydoras are both sensitive fish that prefer a mature tank so it would be best to add these when your tank has been running for about 3 months or so. :good:

Amen to this.

[quote name=''genesis' post='1930703' date='Mar 2 2008, 11:16 PM'][quote name='stang1' post='1930700' date='Mar 2 2008, 11:14 PM']Neon Tetras and Corydoras are both sensitive fish that prefer a mature tank so it would be best to add these when your tank has been running for about 3 months or so. :good:[/quote]

Amen to this.

No need to apologise Genesis! ;)
Thank you everyone,
you've given my hopeless rambling a bit of direction now.

The goldfish tank size is basically pathetic, it's maybe a foot wide by 6 inches and a foot deep.
Poor Garra really looks a bit squished.

The Garra Garra also have pingi pingi written on their namecard if that helps to id them.

It's been quite hilarious tonight, the medium pingi pingi (It's small) has been bullying everyone in the tank, including the paradise.

I think I'm probably going to have to seperate the paradise fish now that I've spoken to you and had a bit of a net search.
No way he's going back to the shop, already a beautiful fish and hasn't barely begun to get his colours yet.
I will research what he will be happily kept with and change him to a better environment, any suggestions gratefully accepted.
Already got a spare tank with a filter so it won't be a big problem.

I'll definately get some more Danio, I really like my one and it looks like it should swim with friends. I'll just have to choose the most compatible fish so I can try to restrict the fin nipping.
Well you can get different colors of zebra danios:

Normal zebra
Gold zebra
Blue zebra
Glofish (if you don't live in UK)

Also what's wrong with Cloud White Mountain minnows and Red rosy minnows? They are also actively schooling fish and don't need heater.

Just put the small goldfish in your pond and put the paradise fish in that tank or just get 10gal tank for just him only!
Well we've moved a step further.

I bought a used 80 Gal tank with heater filter and light all built in for very small amount of money.

I have to take back the paradise fish though,
He killed one fish and really damaged another overnight on his 2nd night.
I would've liked to put him into a seperate tank but I can't really keep 3 tanks.
He'll find a better home with someone more understanding.
I don't understand why he kills fish but doesn't eat them though, seems odd to me.

I'm just off now to buy the gravel, water testers and some water chemicals for the new tank as well as returning the murderer.
Will be turning it all on today and then looking for plants tomorrow or the day after ( thats not to soon is it?)
Really hoping I get this off to a good start so please jump in if I seem to do anything silly or if I miss out anything.

I'll post each step I take to setting up the tank as and when so you can moitor me for a little while.
Well the murderer has been returned.
He's been replaced with 3 more gold zebra Danio,
1 White cloud mountain Minnow,
1 Albino White cloud mountain minnow
and a pair of zebra danio.

Mini tank is quite exciting with this lot, they all play around and have fun together.

Big tank is well on the way now too, full of water.
I've put in a big branch/root, some slate and 2 stones.
The filter is horribly noisy though so will be changed, which brands are nice and quiet?
Going to buy some plants on friday once the tanks settled and I've finished rearranging the sticks and stones.

I'm using Biotopol and denitrol.
Got confused though.
I've given it a dose of Biotopol and I think I have to give it a dose of Denitrol every day for a week or so.
Is that correct?

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